Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

His was a life worth emulating

- Franklyn

Rex Gooneratne of Kegalle passed away on November 11. When he completed 50 years as an Attorney-at-Law some years back, he decided that it was time to retire to his armchair and leave the profession, which he dominated in the criminal courts of Kegalle, to his son Nilantha and younger members of the bar.

The three Gooneratne brothers dominated the law courts specialisi­ng in different areas. One could call Rex, Terrence and Derrick the ‘ Three Kegalle Musketeers’ since they lived the slogan of the musketeers -- “all for one and one for all”. I have been privileged to be present when the three met -- which in the spacious old days seemed to be daily -- for an evening confab over a drink. Rex was as his name signified a ‘ king’ in terms of his qualities, but a benign humble leader!

I knew Rex fairly intimately for more than 50 years. Like his brother Derrick who was as close to me as a brother, if not closer, I looked up to Rex as an example of the quintessen­tial human being. Therefore in paying a tribute to him, I thought the words of Emerson would be quite apt. Ralph Waldo Emerson said:

“To laugh often and much: to win the respect of intelligen­t people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciati­on of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a green patch or a reformed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived: this is to have suc- ceeded”.

He had an infectious, bubbling laugh which showed that he was not holding anything back and his merriment came from the soul! He held the attention of intelligen­t people whether in court or outside and had an incisive mind. He was a raconteur par excellence and one could listen to him for hours once he was in the mood to talk about his experience­s. He was humble enough to listen to any criticism and could move on when he was disappoint­ed by those around him. He appreciate­d the beauty of nature and when younger, liked the forays in the jungle with his friends and brothers, which were quite regular.

His love for his garden was also more than visible, and round his house was a veritable natural reserve where many wild species of fauna and flora bred. He did leave the world a better place. He was always ready to give credit where it was due and was proud of the achievemen­ts of others especially those who had started from scratch .

He was proud of his children and extended family, and he helped anyone in need of material or spiritual support, without hesitation, and with much joy. Not one but many whom he has left behind will attest to the fact that they breathed easier knowing that Rex was there when they needed him. So in short he succeeded in the words of Emerson and one cannot think of another who deserves perpetual bliss for a life well spent -- a life worth emulating. Thank you Rex for a life that we shall always remember.

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