Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Nonis and the second coming


Seen at Galle Face last week was Chris Nonis who took a tumble off a bar stool in New York last September and lost his perch as high commission­er in London.

What brought him to Colombo after all these months was the Pope's visit, being the devout Catholic Nonis is, though he forgot to turn the other cheek that night in New York.

"It is not just the Pope but hope that brought him here," said a local wag quite acquainted with the way things are done in Sri Lanka, yahapalana­ya or no palanaya. Perfect timing, said another pointing to the fact that Nonis turns up just as his tormentor "Sajin the Obnoxious" (as some call him) and his ministry side-kick Kshenuka Seneviratn­e, the foreign secretary, fall off their self-erected pedestals.

But what has the Sri Lankans in Britain and seasoned diplomats scratching their heads in bewilderme­nt is the story in an overseas-based news site with close connection­s to a ministeria­l type that Nonis is to be put back in his seat, hopefully not one as unsteady as a bar stool at the Big Apple.

That is not all. This news story promoting Nonis says he is well versed in matters relating to the Commonweal­th and a great asset to the new President.

The fact is, however that Nonis was a head of mission politicall­y appointed by the previous regime and meant to extol it at every turn.

If being slapped is the qualificat­ion for diplomatic appointmen­ts, then soon Sajin Vass will have plenty of work on his hands from prospectiv­e diplomats queuing outside his residence, said another wag.

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