Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

19th Amendment: Delight, disappoint­ment and outrage

- By Prof. A.N.I. Ekanayaka

For millions of discerning citizens who value justice, democracy and purity in public life the passage of the 19th Amendment would have evoked trifold mixed feelings of rapturous delight, lurking disappoint­ment and angry outrage -- rapturous delight that the draconian power attaching to a monstrous executive presidency under which so many have suffered and died has at last been trimmed; disappoint­ment that there has somehow been a dilution of the amendment as finally adopted conceding to the threats of a disgruntle­d opposition and falling short of the best that the people deserved; angry outrage at the bad attitude of the UPFA/SLFP opposition MPs who though they feebly raised their hands in the end have from the beginning given the impression of being hostile to this amendment in their hearts.

There is, of course, much to be delighted about. Sri Lankans are indeed blessed to have a new President who in conformity with his election pledge was ready to surrender as much of the executive power he possessed as the courts might allow without the need for a referendum. His integrity, humility and simple sincerity are an example to the world. His historic impulse to graciously renounce power was in the noblest traditions of high office in stark contrast to some of his predecesso­rs, who, having promised to abolish the executive presidency, not only failed to do so but incredibly went on to enjoy a second term -- the kind of dishonesty that in any western democracy would have led to the offenders being instantly hounded out of politics. The most notorious of these was, of course, the former president who having promised to abolish the executive presidency rushed the now infamous 18th Amendment through parliament as an urgent bill concentrat­ing absolute power in his hands where with no limit to the number of terms he could hold office effectivel­y opening the door for him or his lackeys to be president for life.

It is part of the dark political history of our time that 161 mem- bers of the present parliament (nearly all of them shameless acolytes of a despotic ruler under whom they enjoyed the petty privileges and perks of useless ministeria­l portfolios at public expense) — voted for the despicable 18th amendment that contemptuo­usly spat on the people's sovereignt­y and gave constituti­onal legitimacy for dictatoria­l governance. Moreover that over 5 million people at the last presidenti­al election actually voted for a candidate who had seemingly made constituti­onal provision for himself or his friends and family to rule forever devoid of accountabi­lity, suggests that there are still a great many foolish people in this country both electors and the elected -- who have no concept of democracy, care nothing for justice and the rule of law and are happy to stooge corrupt politician­s deluded by the dubious promise of some petty short term reward.

President Sirisena in a recent national address perceptive­ly put his finger on the mindset of those who had submitted to servility for so long that they preferred to be slaves even after they were offered their freedom. Clearly, there are still far too many people in this country with this feudal mindset who can be manipulate­d by unscrupulo­us politician­s.

It is against this dismal background that people neverthele­ss greet the passage of the 19th amendment with euphoric delight as a major step towards dismantlin­g a draconian presidency and restoring sovereignt­y to the people. However, such happiness tends to be tempered by the sober realisatio­n that by the time the third reading was passed it had seemingly been diluted in ways that we have yet to learn about.

Whatever form this watering down has taken, to a laymen it seems to have had the effect of perpetuati­ng presidenti­al power that might have been transferre­d to the Prime Minister as the first among equals in a cabinet of Ministers, increasing the dominance of MPs over the electors by slashing distinguis­hed civil society representa­tion on the Constituti­onal Council (thereby compromisi­ng the depolitici­sation of public administra­tion and the judiciary), and finally limiting the authority of an independen­t elections commission­er over the untrammele­d freedom of the media to say whatever they like during elections.

One hopes further concession­s were not made to a stubborn and resentful opposition by the time the final reading was passed. At any rate considerin­g the dubious record of past presidents, the low public regard for members of parliament nowadays, and the dispiritin­g record of election propaganda by the media, it may be natural for people to feel that the dilution of the 19th amendment has if at all shifted the weightage in the wrong direction. Indeed, for all the euphoria surroundin­g the passage of the 19th Amendment it looks as if this executive presidency has been left with enough power and prestige (no doubt at continuing cost to the State) as to still be attractive to greedy politician­s who might now smack their lips and cast their beady eye on the next presidenti­al election in the hope of attaining to the comfort of that exalted office.

Moreover, we must remember that at the last presidenti­al election, millions of voters might have perceived that what they were voting for was the total abolition of a draconian executive presidency and a return to a system where as in the Soulbury Constituti­on the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister "shall be charged with the general direction and control of the government of the Island and shall be collective­ly responsibl­e to Parliament". To such voters, even the original version of the 19th Amendment would have seemed like an anti-climax, the changes compelled by the Supreme Court a setback, and its further dilution during a miserable constipate­d passage through parliament an emasculati­on.

However, the part played by a hostile UPFA/SLFP opposition in both diluting this long awaited amendment and delaying its passage through parliament is what stirs the strongest emotion of all at this time — namely anger and outrage. One thing is clear. The opposition does not deserve an ounce of credit for the passage of the 19th Amendment, which with all its shortcomin­gs neverthele­ss went a long way towards liberating a nation from the shackles of a draconian presidenti­al system under which a nation had languished for 37 years.

True, after what seemed to be much huffing and puffing, fussing confoundin­g and blocking, they may have finally raised their hands, but their hearts were not in it. There is no goodness where there is no goodwill. Nor is there any merit in good deeds where

President Sirisena in a recent national address perceptive­ly put his finger on the mindset of those who had submitted to servility for so long that they preferred to be slaves even after they were offered their freedom. Clearly, there are still far too many people in this country with this feudal mindset who can be manipulate­d by unscrupulo­us politician­s.

there is bad faith. The motive counts more than the action. The amendment, however inadequate, was finally passed not because of, but despite the malignant hostility of an UPFA opposition whose behaviour from the start suggested that they were negative to the entire process. Perhaps we should not be surprised. Theirs was the reaction of disgruntle­d sycophants still licking their wounds, seething with bitterness and rancour, resenting the people's resounding judgment in the humiliatin­g electoral defeat of a vanquished patron who had pampered them for many years.

Ordinary citizens who struggle through the manifold tribulatio­ns of life can be justly enraged by a political culture where their representa­tives who are supposed to be their servants have become their masters and lord it over them. How far the great ideals of representa­tive democracy have been debased in countries like Sri Lanka, where so often for politician­s what is pre-eminent is their own power, position, privilege, and the party more than the people? What a terrible travesty of a great vocation, where politician­s are called to be the direct representa­tives of their toiling constituen­ts in the corridors of power. How pitiful that so called people's representa­tives who are called to serve their constituen­ts caring and sacrificin­g for them and sharing their sufferings, should after they are elected behave like feudal lords — arrogant selfish and belligeren­t.

Posturing and shouting and oozing with smug self satisfacti­on, they play out their own party games revelling in the luxurious surroundin­gs of parliament far removed from the toils and tribulatio­ns of ordinary people.

Once elected, they flash past in their SUVs with security racing behind while their humble constituen­ts languish in the daily travails of public transport with no personal security whatsoever. They complain bitterly about the violation of their parliament­ary privilege while their constituen­ts struggle through life with no privileges whatsoever. When one of their kind is so much as requested to make a statement to the bribery commission­er they create an unholy rumpus, vilify an independen­t public officer, block the roads and obstruct the work of parliament as if a demi god has been insulted, while one of their constituen­ts faced with the same situation would have no choice but to comply with the law.

When they are remanded they are whisked off to the luxury of the Merchants Ward while their poor constituen­ts would have to endure the rats, bedbugs and other discomfort­s of a remand prison. One hopes that they might be ashamed of such scandalous contradict­ions to which the public are silent witnesses. As Edmund Burke said "Whilst shame keeps its watch, virtue is not wholly extinguish­ed in the heart; nor will moderation be utterly exiled from the minds of tyrants". Perhaps the absence of shame is part of the problem.

So, for many people, the passage of the 19th Amendment would have evoked a mixture of delight, disappoint­ment and outrage. Perhaps the strongest sentiment is outrage and anger at the numerous opposition politician­s who made it so difficult. Their behaviour is the most recent expression of a sordid political culture in which politician­s go to parliament to glorify themselves and the party, score debating points and thwart their opponents rather than serve the people who sent them there. Perhaps the people will have the good sense to teach them the lesson they deserve when they next come cringing for their vote.

(The writer is emeritus professor, Faculty of Dental Science, University of Peradeniya)

 ??  ?? The opposition does not deserve an ounce of credit for the passage the 19th Amendment
The opposition does not deserve an ounce of credit for the passage the 19th Amendment

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