Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

You left us beautiful memories


Little did I know that Saturday night, February 1, 2014, when you hugged me saying "Hi Priyanthi Akki" that it was your farewell embrace. That in a few hours, early next morning God was preparing to call your name and take you to His heavenly home. February 2, 2014 turned out to be the darkest day of our lives... Our hearts were shattered when we lost you, Meli.

You did not go alone because our hearts broke and our lives went with you. You left us beautiful memories. Your love is still fresh in our hearts Meli, although we cannot see you, your laughter rings in our ears. We know that you are always present in our midst. Our family link is broken, and without you around us, nothing seems the same. But we know and believe that one day when we meet you in God's presence, our family chain will link again.

Meli, we'll always remember your infectious laughter, your caring heart. Nothing can replace you Meli in our lives and in our hearts, you live on forever. You were always so good, unselfish and so kind-hearted to everyone, rich or poor. You always had a good word, and I always remember at times if I was annoyed with someone your spontaneou­s reaction was to calm me down and help me see something good in that person. You had a kind word for everyone, and never held grudges. This was an exceptiona­l quality you had. You were honourable, upright and just to the end, sincere and true, in heart and mind.

You left behind beautiful memories and we miss you Meli at all our family events. No one knows the bitter pain the family has suffered since we lost you. Life has never been the same. Your memory lingers each time we walk into your home, your picture hangs near the front door and your smiling pleasant face, and twinkle in your eyes, breaks our hearts as it hits us that it is now only a memory.

That morning just before the brutal killer took your life away, you woke up as usual and arranged your bed. Meli, your room and bed remains as you left it....untouched to this day. One year and three months have passed since that sad day. Sometimes when I stand outside your bedroom, I tremble and tears just flow. You left us without any warning. Just when your life was bright and successful, God called you from our midst, to His home of eternal rest.

Aunty Manel's heart is bleeding, Marcus Uncle is lost without you, Dayan weeps in silence. Aunts and uncles cherish the love you showered on them. We, your cousins grieve for you. Friends may think our wounds are healed, but they cannot see the sorrow concealed within our hearts.

As your birthday dawns on the 14th of May, we pray to Our Lord Jesus and His Blessed Mother Mary, to give strength and courage to your loving parents Aunty Manel and Uncle Marcus, and your beloved brother Dayan, who instead of being able to kiss you Happy Birthday, are faced with the trauma of having to go through the ordeal of re-living your final moments in this world in the court of law. May God cover your family with His power and strength and I believe you are watching over them from your heavenly home.

God blessed your life with the gift of music, and you gave back this gift to God a hundredfol­d as an accomplish­ed pianist and violinist, and by singing in many choirs be it in the parish church, in school, with the Past Bridgetine­s, Choro Contempo, Voice of Praise Choir, music was so much a part of you. Your generosity and willingnes­s to help me out, whenever I needed an Alto voice in my choir "Inspiratio­n" gave me the assurance that I had someone to depend on. When you returned from your studies in London, where you played an active role in the University choir and orchestra, you shared with me, all the lovely music scores, which you played and sang in your University Choir saying "Priyanthi Akki here are some music books, and choir music which I used at College, it will be more useful to you now, especially my book of carols." Now at my choir rehearsals when I open the book and see your name written on it, in your own handwritin­g, I'm filled with pain and sadness. But I believe you are singing in the heavenly choir....

Meli, you died beloved by all - because you were loyal and true to all those whose lives you touched. We believe that we shall see you face to face in God's presence one day. Until that day may Jesus and Mother Mary hold you in the palm of their hands.

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