Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Pakistan government gifts fully equipped IT Lab to 100-year-old, 85-student Sri Saddarmoda­ya MV


The Paki stan Gov ern ment, through its High Com mis sion in Sri Lan ka, on Fri day do na ted a fully equip ped IT Lab com pris ing of 8 com put ers, re la ted equip ment and fur ni ture to Sri Sad dar mo daya Ma ha Vi dya laya, Co lom bo 5.

Act ing Paki stan High Com mission er in Sri Lan ka, Dr Sar fraz Ahmed Khan Si pra, along with Disas ter Man age ment Min is ter A. H. M. Fow zie and for mer Tech nolo gy & Re search Min is ter, Pro fes sor Tis sa Vi thar a na, in aug u ra ted the IT Lab.

In his re marks at the cer e mo ny, Dr Si pra em phas ised the im portance of col lab o ra tion be tween the two coun tries for the up lift of the peo ple. He re it er ated Paki stan’s con tin ued sup port to Sri Lan ka’s young er gen er a tion to en hance their na tion build ing ca paci ties with bet ter ed u ca tion al op por tu nities.

Min is ter Fow zie prais ed the Paki stan Gov ern ment for its gen erous as sis tance to Sri Lan ka. He said that Paki stan is a close friend of Sri Lan ka and has hel ped Sri Lan ka in times of cri sis. For mer Tech nol o gy & Re search Min is ter, Pro fes sor Tis sa Vi thar a na, while ap pre ci at ing the sup port ex ten ded by the Paki stan gov ern ment for the school, un der lined that the proj ect will ben e fit stu dents from all commun i ties.

Sri Sad dar mo daya Ma ha Vi dyalaya was foun ded in 1915 and com ple ted 100 years. This is a co- ed u ca tion school ca ter ing, from Grade 1 to 11, to 85 stu dents of low in come, un der priv i leged fam ilies. There are 15 mem bers in the school staff in clud ing the prin ci pal.

This proj ect adds to var i ous so ci o e co nom ic proj ects of the govern ment and peo ple of Paki stan for their Sri Lan kan breth ren, in Health, Ed u ca tion and Live li hood sec tors. These proj ects in clude con struc tion of Sal am Bai ku lam School in Va vu niya, Dis trict Hos pital Akur a na and 3- stor ied state- ofthe- art school in Gam pa ha, equipping in school Sci ence lab o ra tories, re viv al of Hand loom sec tor in Mir i ga ma, to strength en this cottage in dus try and pro vide self- employ ment, con struc tion of 30 Comput er cen ters and 6 Sew ing centers, pro vid ing am bu lan ces to hospi tals, an nu al awards of Jin nah Schol ar ships as well as High er Ed u ca tion schol ar ships to study Med i cine, En gi neer ing, Den tist ry and Phar ma col o gy in Paki stan.

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