Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

A belated victory for non-proliferat­ion

- By Chris Patten

The main terms of this historic agreement, concluded in the teeth of opposition from Israel, Iran's regional competitor­s (particular­ly Saudi Arabia), and the political right in the United States, seek to rein in Iran's nuclear activities so that civil capacity cannot be swiftly weaponised.

LONDON - Let us give praise where it is richly deserved. Despite all the criticism they faced, US President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, stuck doggedly to the task of negotiatin­g a deal with Iran to limit its nuclear programme. Together with representa­tives of the United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, and Germany, they have now succeeded.

The main terms of this historic agreement, concluded in the teeth of opposition from Israel, Iran's regional competitor­s (particular­ly Saudi Arabia), and the political right in the United States, seek to rein in Iran's nuclear activities so that civil capacity cannot be swiftly weaponised. In exchange for inspection and monitoring of nuclear sites, the internatio­nal economic sanctions imposed years ago on Iran will be lifted.

This is a significan­t moment in the nuclear age. Since 1945, the terrifying destructiv­e force of nuclear weapons has encouraged political leaders to search for ways to control them.

Not long after the destructio­n of Hiroshima, President Harry S. Truman, together with the Canadian and UK prime ministers, proposed the first non-proliferat­ion plan; all nuclear weapons would be eliminated, and nuclear technology for peaceful purposes would be shared and overseen by a United Nations agency. Truman's initiative subsequent­ly went further, covering most of the non-proliferat­ion issues that we still discuss today.

But the proposals ran into outright opposition from Joseph Stalin, who would accept no limit to the Soviet Union's ability to develop its own nuclear weapons.

So the nuclear arms race began, and in 1960 President John F. Kennedy warned that there would be 15, 20, or 25 nuclear states by the mid-1960s. "I ask you," he said in 1963, "to stop and think for a moment what it would mean to have nuclear weapons in so many hands, in the hands of countries large and small, stable and unstable, responsibl­e and irresponsi­ble, scattered throughout the world."

Two developmen­ts averted the nightmare of reckless nuclear proliferat­ion. First, several countries capable of developing nuclear weapons concluded - in some cases, even after launching programmes - that to do so would not increase their security. To their credit, South Africa and a number of Latin American countries took this route. Second, self-denial was greatly reinforced by the Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty (NPT), negotiated after the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and administer­ed by the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Since entering into force in 1968, the NPT has been central to holding the line on the spread of nuclear weapons. Nowadays, apart from the original nuclear powers - the US, the UK, France, and Russia - the only other countries with these weapons are China, Israel, India, Pakistan, and North Korea.

The Iran negotiatio­ns were vital to ensuring the integrity of the system. The danger, of course, was that Iran would move from developing civil nuclear power to making its own weapons. This would inevitably have caused other countries in the region, probably beginning with Saudi Arabia, to go the same way.

There is an important lesson to be learned from more than a decade of negotiatio­n with Iran. Iran's current president, Hassan Rouhani, was his country's chief nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005. Iran's president at this time was the scholarly moderate Mohammed Khatami, with whom I at one time attempted to negotiate a trade and cooperatio­n agreement on behalf of the European Union. Progress was stopped by disagreeme­nt over nuclear matters.

Khatami's attempts to open a dialogue with the West fell on stony ground in President George W. Bush's Washington, and eventually he was replaced by the populist hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d. But in Rouhani's discussion­s on proliferat­ion back then, Iran had offered the three EU countries with which it had begun negotiatio­ns a reasonable compromise: Iran would maintain a civil but not a military nuclear capacity. This would have capped the number of centrifuge­s at a low level, kept enrichment below the possibilit­y of weaponisat­ion, and converted enriched uranium into benign forms of nuclear fuel.

The British representa­tive to the IAEA at this time, Ambassador Peter Jenkins, has said publicly that the negotiator­s from the EU were impressed by the Iranian offer. But the Bush administra­tion pressured the UK government to veto a deal along these lines, arguing that more concession­s could be extracted from the Iranians if they were squeezed harder and threatened with tougher sanctions and even a military response.

We know how the Bush strategy turned out. The talks collapsed: no compromise, no agreement. Today, a deal has been concluded; but it is less good than the deal that could have been reached a decade ago - a point worth keeping in mind as the likes of former Vice Present Dick Cheney and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu start hollering from the sidelines.

As it is, not only will an agreement add cement to the NPT; it could also open the way to the sort of understand­ing with Iran that is essential to any broad diplomatic moves to control and halt the violence sweeping across western Asia.

Chris Patten, the last British Governor of Hong Kong and a former EU commission­er for external affairs, is Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2015. Exclusive to the Sunday Times

 ??  ?? Technician­s of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisati­on in a control room supervise resumption of activities at the Uranium Conversion Facility in Isfahan, Iran. Reuters
Technician­s of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisati­on in a control room supervise resumption of activities at the Uranium Conversion Facility in Isfahan, Iran. Reuters

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