Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Memorials for MH17 victims as calls grow for justice


NIEUWEGEIN, Netherland­s, July 18 (AFP) -Relatives of those killed when flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine exactly a year ago joined emotional memorials on Friday as calls mounted for a UNbacked tribunal to prosecute those responsibl­e for the tragedy.

All 298 passengers and crew -the majority of them Dutch -- died on July 17 last year when the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was downed over rebelheld east Ukraine during heavy fighting between Kiev's armed forces and pro-Russian separatist­s.

Flags flew at half-mast in the Netherland­s as about 2,000 relatives and friends gathered at a ceremony in Nieuwegein to mourn the victims of the disaster, many of whom were children on their way to summer holidays.

Kiev and the West point the finger at the separatist­s, saying they may have used a BUK surface-to-air missile supplied by Russia to down the plane. But Moscow denies involvemen­t and instead accuses Ukraine's military.

“There is nothing we can do, we can't turn back the clock,” said Evert van Zijtvelt, who lost his 18year-old son, Robert-Jan, and daughter Frederique, 19. “It has been a very heavy year.” Sobs could be heard as relatives read out the names of all those killed and photos of the dead were shown on a giant screen accompanie­d by sombre piano music.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte

SYDNEY, July 18 (AFP)Australian police today said a suspicious item, believed to be a crude improvised explosive device, found near the Sydney home of cricketer Brad Haddin appeared to have been left there randomly.

A neighbour called police after discoverin­g the item on a grassy patch of road in the suburb of Tennyson Point, northwest of Sydney's central business district on Friday.

“There is nothing at this time to indicate this incident is anything other than random,” Ryde area assured the bereaved that justice would be done.

“The investigat­ion into what exactly happened and everything that still needs to be done will be to do right by your loved ones,” Rutte told the gathering. 'Healing process'

In Canberra, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott unveiled a plaque in memory of those killed, including 38 Australian citizens and residents.

Australian Paul Guard, who lost his parents Roger and Jill, made the journey to the Australian capital with nine other family members.

“It will be a difficult day, but hopefully a useful part of the healing process,” he told reporters.

Malaysian relatives also took part in a memorial service in Kuala Lumpur last week, as Friday is a feast day marking the end of Ramadan.

At the crash site in eastern Ukraine, around 200 villagers gathered to remember the day bodies and plane parts fell from the sky.

The Netherland­s has been tasked with leading the retrieval of victims' remains and investigat­ing the cause of the crash, as well as finding and punishing possible perpetrato­rs.

Apart from two passengers, both Dutch, the remains of all other victims have been found and positively identified.

The Dutch Safety Board is expected to release a final report into the cause of the crash during the first week of October, but has stressed it will only address the cause, not the perpetrato­rs.

 ??  ?? A visitor wears a t-shirt displaying names of the victims of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 plane crash during a commemorat­ion ceremony outside the Dutch embassy in Moscow, Russia (REUTERS)
A visitor wears a t-shirt displaying names of the victims of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 plane crash during a commemorat­ion ceremony outside the Dutch embassy in Moscow, Russia (REUTERS)

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