Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Abducted and tortured media activist Poddala Jayantha returns to Sri Lanka after six years of exile in the United States. In this interview with he speaks of the terror he faced and the trauma he still undergoes.

Shaveen Jeewandara


It's a breezy afternoon and the wind blows a pleasant sense of freedom over the paddy fields where we sit down to have a chat with Poddala Jayantha. From under his cap we see a wrinkled face that can afford to smile again, but his eyes do not burn with the same passion of a once vocal journalist. Just six years ago, Jayantha was hurled into a white van and tortured mercilessl­y. His lower leg was left badly fractured and apart from the mental scars that torment him daily, he has a metal plate fixed in his leg to permanentl­y remind him of that gruesome day.

For Jayantha -- who sought asylum in the United States after his abduction -returning to the motherland and having a roadside chat a few metres away from where he was abducted would have been a near impossibil­ity. But with the winds of change that swept across the land this January, Jayantha thought it best to pay a short visit back to the country, for the first time in six years.

"Abduction is the worst experience one can encounter and it leaves you devastated," he tells us. "The physical suffering can be dealt with, but it's the nightmares that come back to haunt you that are unbearable."

There is an unmistakab­le sense of sombreness in the way he speaks, sometimes gazing out into open road, possibly thinking of the days where -- poster in hand -his voice boomed out at protests and demonstrat­ions before he was silenced.

Jayantha comes from a poverty-stricken family in Poddala, a little town in the Galle District, where his mother worked as a tea-plucker while his father was a rubber-tapper. The extremely difficult living conditions forced Jayantha to come to Colombo in search of work and his first stint was at Wijeya Newspapers, not as a scribe, but rather a security guard.

"Being in a situation like mine gets you thinking about a lot of things," he tells us. "Duppath paulakata ipadenne karume hinda nemei," Jayantha believes that it is the fault of the corrupt systems and the unequal distributi­on of wealth that make one poor and not fate.

He later worked his way to the type-setting department where he got a real feel for journalism. "Articles had to come to us to be type-set and I spent my time absorbing what was written in it rather than just pressing the words." This was when he realised that he too could engage in active journalism.

Life wasn't rosy for him as a journalist when he first started at Ravaya in 1989, with many of his copies being shredded before he caught the eye of the then editor, Victor Ivan. "It was under Victor Ivan that I blossomed as a journalist," he recalls.

"My poverty-stricken life always kept me focused on using the power of journalism to expose scams that bogged us down as a nation." Jayantha's interest was to reveal misappropr­iation within the sectors of health, education and the economy.

Exposures in the state media

Fuelled with passion, Jayantha moved onto Silumina where he rose to fame with the exposé of what was known as South Asia's biggest scam: The VAT repayment fraud. "VAT badhu wanchaawa pol gedi akuren rajaye puwath pathema pala kara", Jayantha tells us that he first exposed the scam when the misappropr­iation was at Rs. 500 million in bold letters on the state-run newspaper. In a perfect world, this would have caught the attention of the authoritie­s, but to his horror Jayantha found out that the scam only kept expanding. "It went up to Rs. 1.2 billion when I approached the Bribery Commission, only to be told by the commission chief that due to inefficien­cies within the commission itself there was no way that it could be looked into." Naturally, this very statement became the next day's pol gedi akuru headline.

"The situation was such that a journalist had to expose these scams and then find out ways to bring the culprits to justice himself. This shouldn't be the case. If the systems were in place the authoritie­s would take action after seeing our writing," he tells us.

Jayantha says that from 1994 to 2005, he was actively wielding the pen against government misdoings and although he received many letters of demand, there was no serious threat to his life.

"This changed after the 2005 presidenti­al election and thus began the era of media censorship and the state's chokehold on free media," he tells us. Jayantha, being appointed as the secretary of the Sri Lanka Working Journalist­s Associatio­n (SLWJA) along with its president, Sanath Balasuriya, began unearthing a web of misappropr­iation done by the government.

When the voice of the print media was not heard, he had to take the fight to the streets by staging protests and demonstrat­ions.

"The aim of our protests was to curb media censorship and bring to justice the assaulters of victims such as journalist Keith Noyahr." Spearheade­d by the SLWJA, five media organisati­ons got together in the hope of reinforcin­g their fight against censorship and corruption. These were: SLWJA, Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU), Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum (SLMMF), Sri Lanka Tamil Journalist­s Alliance (SLTJA) and the Free Media Movement (FMM).

Protests and demonstrat­ions, especially during the latter part of the war, were not well received by the Government and state electronic media took it upon themselves to belittle journalist­s such as Jayantha, branding them as traitors. Poddala Jayantha was as well known for his beard as he was for his fearless writing, and this became a symbol used by state-media to vilify him in front of the public.

The very beard was shaved off by his abductors and forced down his throat. Choking on his own beard, with a badly fractured leg, Jayantha and media freedom were left for dead.

"The state media cannot be used as a vehicle to win elections for the Government. They too have a responsibi­lity of being unbiased and revealing news as it is," Jayantha tells us. In fact, Jayantha worked for state media throughout a large part of his career and still managed to create an uproar. "Being in the state media is not an excuse to stay silent in the face of adversity."

Define national security

Being tainted as a traitor, and alleged to have made deals with the LTTE, Jayantha was seen as an enemy in the public eye. When questioned on the possible overlap of media freedom and national security, Jayantha tells us that "the best interests of national security" is a vague term that allows politician­s to get away with anything. "Jaathika arakshawa dhadameema­k karagathth­a", he tells us

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