Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Nepal temple bans five-yearly mass animal sacrifice

- By Imogen Calderwood By Ross Adkin

Acultural festival in Nepal during which a live goat is ripped apart by villagers using their bare hands and teeth has sparked outrage among animal rights campaigner­s.

The Deopokhari festival is held every year in August, in the village of Khokana, one of the oldest villages in the Kathmandu Valley in central Nepal.

The 900-year-old festival is a celebratio­n of the culture of the Newari people, the indigenous people of the area around the Kathmandu Valley, and features traditiona­l dancing, music and food.

But animal rights campaigner­s have branded the celebratio­n 'barbaric', as part of the ceremony sees a young female goat brutally sacrificed.

The five or six-month-old goat is hurled into the Deu pond close to the Rudrayani temple at the centre of the village, followed by nine young men who jump into the pond and begin to tear at the goat with their hands and teeth.

They continue to bite, pull at and strangle the goat until it is torn apart, and the man deemed to have eventually killed it is permitted to lead the year's procession.

KATHMANDU, (Reuters) - A temple in southern Nepal known for the mass slaughter of animals at a festival there every five years has indefinite­ly banned animal sacrifice, India's Humane Society Internatio­nal said.

The twice-in-a-decade ritual of slaughteri­ng tens of thousands of animals at the Gadhimai temple, located about 145 km south of Kathmandu, has drawn internatio­nal condemnati­on from animal rights groups in recent years.

"Obviously we are very happy with this decision," said Manoj Gautam of Animal Welfare Network Nepal, which has been campaignin­g for an end to the slaughter.

"But it doesn't mean our job is done ... We need public support and participat­ion to make sure this ban is upheld," he said. Temple officials were not immediatel­y available for comment.

Millions of pilgrims from India and Nepal regularly attend the festival, where animals have been sacrificed in past years to Gadhimai, a goddess of power.

According to the Humane Society Internatio­nal, an estimated 500,000 buffaloes, goats, chickens and other animals were killed at the temple in 2009.

Those numbers dropped during the next festival in 2014, after India's Supreme Court issued an order prohibitin­g animals

Nepalese organisati­on Animal Welfare Network Nepal has been spear-heading a campaign against the festival for years, and has succeeded in rallying internatio­nal support in its struggle.

'Animal Welfare Network Nepal condemns the act of sacrifice in the festival and is continuous­ly raising its voice against animal cruelty,' said a spokesman for the AWNN campaign group.

World-renowned animals rights charity PETA has joined the AWNN in its campaign, highlighti­ng the damage that the 'uniquely savage and disgusting' festival does to Nepal's internatio­nal reputation.

The charity's UK director Mimi Bekhechi, said: 'The Khokana festival demonstrat­es only obliviousn­ess to world opinion, disrespect for life and an almost uniquely savage and disgusting display of cruelty.

'There are few living beings as gentle and defenceles­s as baby goats, the victims of this barbarous act.'

Ms Bekhechi continued: 'Images of terrified kids [baby goats] being attacked and drowned as they bleat and struggle for their lives hurts Nepal's reputation internatio­nally and certainly damages the tourist trade.

'We urge the majority of people in Nepal, who are no doubt from being taken across the border to Nepal for sacrifice at the festival, campaigner­s said. Animal rights groups plan to spend the remaining three-plus years before the next festival working in the Indian states that border Nepal to spread awareness of the temple's decision.

Nepal's lawmakers are currently in the late stages of preparing a constituti­on for kind and caring, to join the internatio­nal clamour to end these barbaric rituals.'

Shocked members of the public from across Europe and Nepal have launched a number of online petitions on websites such as, calling on the Nepali Congress Central Office to ban the practice.

The largest has been signed by more than 53,000 people, while several others have received more than 5,000 signatures each.

'No one can adequately explain why this practice is carried out year after year - except to say that it is 'traditiona­l',' said Geoff Knight, who launched the original petition.

'Such a cruel and vicious act inflicted on an animal has no place in a civilised society and should be banned immediatel­y.'

Nepalese national Bidhata Singh, who has also set up a petition against the sacrifice, added: 'The experience of the goat is the country. A Hindu kingdom until 2008, there is fierce debate over whether Nepal should be declared a secular state in the new document.

"There will definitely be individual­s who will not appreciate this decision," said Gautam. "But I don't see any groups or organisati­ons coming out against this right now." excruciati­ng. Every year in Nepal animals are sacrificed in the name of religion or tradition, which is totally devilish, immoral and mad.'

Members of the public from across the world who signed the petition have denounced the practice, branding it ' savage', 'shocking' and 'disgusting'.

'An animal feels pain, and torture of this kind is barbaric and should be banned,' wrote Jennie Leong, from Australia.

'There is no justificat­ion or excuse for such practices in this day and age, and any civilised society should not tolerate this! The world should do something to stop it.'

Alexander Gurung, from Nepal, added: ' All the rituals where live animals are sacrificed have to be scrapped. This is inhumane practice.'

Imogen Roberts, from Boston in the U.K., said: 'This is the most horrifying thing I have seen on the internet. I can't believe things like this are still allowed, let alone celebrated in the 21st century.'

The festival dates back to the 12th century, when residents began drowning a live goat to appease the gods that were perceived to be living in the pond after a village child drowned in it. It is held the day after one of Nepal's most popular festivals, Gai Jatra, or the Festival of Cows. The festival is celebrated mainly in the Kathmandu valley by the Newar community, and during the festival - which honours the people who have died that year - cows are marched in the streets.

The Newari people practise a combinatio­n of Hinduism and Buddhism which dates back centuries.

Other Newari cultures on show at the Deopokhari festival include the dhime and Devi dances, Newar foods and wine, crafts and music.

But this is not the only Nepalese festival to have drawn the attention of animal rights groups.

A two-day religious festival held every five years in Nepal, sees the ritual slaughter of 250,000 buffalo, birds and goats.

Millions attend the ceremony which is held in honour of the Hindu goddess of power, Gadhimai, at her temple in Bariyarpur, near the Indian border.

 ??  ?? File pic: Thousands of buffalo lie dead in a field after being sacrificed in the temple. Reuters
File pic: Thousands of buffalo lie dead in a field after being sacrificed in the temple. Reuters

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