Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Pera Uni. VC condemns undergrad clash


Peradeniya University Vice Chancellor- Prof Upul B. Dissanayak­e condemned the clash between undergradu­ates and lecturers, resulting in 15 being warded at Peradeniya General Hospital.

He said that, in the prime of youth, after a competitiv­e exam and selection to the University, it is incomprehe­nsible how they could attack their own colleagues within the Campus. Furthermor­e, how could they set an example to the country?

Prof Dissnayake added that, this 'clash' occurred, according to his informatio­n, due to the presence of prisoners invited to assist in the Dengue shramadana campaign, while the Union was not a party to it.

The clash between undergradu­ates occurred during a Dengue shramadana within the Science Faculty, where prisoners were brought to assist in clearing the Faculty area to eradicate Dengue mosquito breeding grounds.

The Prof Dissnayake said he unre- servedly deplored the attack by students on their own brethren. He added it is shame that undergradu­ates should attack fellow undergradu­ates.

Already, parents of victims of the attack had contacted him to say they would be reporting to the Police for action, and that, he would not interfere in such an event. Neverthele­ss, he said the University would inquire into the attack and action taken against those found guilty of misconduct.

By last night, 9 victims had left hospital, with 6 still in hospital.

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