Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

CTU condemns allowing donations, OBU members on interview panel during Grade 1 admissions


The Government’s move to lift the ban on soliciting donations and permitting members of school old boys union into the selection panel for Grade 1 admission, beginning next year, has come under severe criticism from unions.

The Education Dept, by Circular no. 17/2016 dated 23.05.2016, has amended the previous Circular, No.23/2013 allowing schools to solicit donations from parents when admitting their children to Grade 1. However, the modus operandi has not been specified.

The Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) condemned this move, saying it leaves room for corrupt practices in Grade 1 admissions.

CTU General Secretary,

CTU condemned this move, saying it leaves room for corrupt practices in Grade 1 admissions

Joseph Stalin said the Government, in 2013, by Circular No. 23/2013, had banned soliciting any kind of donations from parents who sought admission for their children to Grade 1.

However, despite the ban, there had been numerous incidents and complaints of officials in leading schools, resorting to soliciting donations for Grade 1 admission.

Also, in another move, Circular no. 17/2016 issued on 05.07.2016, overrides a previous Circular prohibitin­g members of old boys unions from being included in the interviewi­ng panel, when admitting children to Grade 1. The previous Circular allows members of old boys unions to be on the interview panel when selecting old boys' children.

Mr Stalin said the amendments will pave the way for massive corruption, subjecting children to discrimina­tion and depriving them of their rightful places in the schools they apply for.

Mr Stalin said the CTU has written to the Education Ministry calling for the removal of the clause. “This is wrong and we will not accept this,” he said.

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