Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Not allowing the option of jury trials in ‘politicall­y excitable’ cases


Consternat­ion accompanie­d by fervent chest beating on the part of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) in regard to the acquittal of suspects (including three Navy intelligen­ce officers) charged with the murder of TNA parliament­arian and lawyer N. Raviraj in Colombo in 2006, is an instructiv­e lesson in regard to the evils of political game-playing.

Notably this vehemence had been absent regarding the unconscion­ably delayed legal inquiries into the killings of five Tamil students in Trincomale­e and seventeen aid workers in Mutur during that same year. Neither was a whimper raised when the Unity Government deafeningl­y trumpeted that the independen­ce of the judiciary in Sri Lanka had been restored subsequent to the defeat of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2015. On the contrary, this outrageous claim was fully supported by the TNA at the time.

Greater prudence not seen

Thus the single act of sending a sitting Chief Justice home by executive fiat (notwithsta­nding the many evils perpetrate­d by that worthy) and sitting in his place, a Chief Justice of Tamil ethnicity was paraded as having addressed minority concerns. While the (unfortunat­ely) un-blinkered among us took this assertion with a grain of salt, it resonated with an internatio­nal community which was too relieved to have seen the last of the Rajapaksas to seriously question this prepostero­us assertion. Suffice to say that this mischievou­s propaganda spin was backed enthusiast­ically by the Government’s political partners and cheered on by its civil society supporters, including most reprehensi­bly by the Bar Associatio­n of Sri Lanka which should have exercised greater prudence.

Two years later, this profound lack of foresight if not manifest political dishonesty haunts us. Failures of justice range from the dismal performanc­e of the hyped anti-corruption effort and inability to seize the ill-gotten gains of the Rajapaksas to spectacula­r failures of justice in regard to extra judicial executions, enforced disappeara­nces and torture. This is precisely why the state party report before the United Nations Committee against Torture (CAT) some months ago was a weary litany of the same justificat­ions and excuses put forward by its predecesso­r. This is also the same reason why state agents responsibl­e for the most grievous abuses during the Rajapaksa decade reinvented themselves as ‘yahapalaya­na’ flagbearer­s.

And last but least, this was why the worst counter-terror draft law since Sri Lanka’s independen­ce was drafted in secret even while the initial draft to replace the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) by the Law Commission of Sri Lanka was unceremoni­ously discarded. Ironically (given its conservati­ve bent), the Law Commission’s draft, albeit with gaps including its ambivalenc­e on giving a suspect the right to legal counsel at the very first stage of arrest, is far better than the other secretive counter –terror draft .

Leaving the Rule of Law dysfunctio­n untouched

In whole, the change in Government switched faces around in power but left much untouched under the surface, particular­ly where the prosecutor­ial and legal process was concerned. Grave concerns of the Rule of Law were kept in abeyance. No effort was made to separate outstandin­g concerns regarding the country’s dysfunctio­nal justice institutio­ns from political ‘spin.’ The Raviraj acquittal is the most recent manifestat­ion of this.

Let us take the central premise of the objection relating to the acquittal which focuses on the all-Sinhalese jury that heard the matter and came to the conclusion (reportedly) that the accused cannot be convicted based solely on the fact that they were identified by several witnesses in the case. Certainly this is not the first case which involves the prickly issue of acquittals of (Sinhalese) accused by all Sinhalese jury trials in cases involving atrocities perpetuate­d on Sri Lanka’s minorities.

There is a long string of such cases, including the Mylanthana­i Case where the accused Sinhalese soldiers opted for a jury trial with a Sinhala speaking jury. Witnesses were brought all the way from Trincomale­e in the Eastern province to the capital Colombo for the trial. The accused were acquitted on 25 November 2002.

The acquittal occurred despite overwhelmi­ng evidence to the contrary as buttressed by (then) High Court Judge, the late S.Sriskandar­ajah’s observatio­ns urging the jury to reconsider its decision in the light of several factors in the evidence placed before it. However, the same verdict was returned by the jury.

Trial-at-bar more suitable in ‘excitable’ cases

More recently we had the acquittals of the accused in the mass murder of twenty four Tamil villagers including women and children of the Kumarapura­m village in Trincomale­e in the same circumstan­ces. So there is a pattern which cannot be airily brushed aside on the assumption that these acquittals were right and proper because they were arrived at through a legal process.

That said, to focus solely on the argument that the Raviraj acquittal poses a crisis of credibilit­y where gross atrocities relating to Sri Lanka’s minorities are concerned raises the risk of missing the ‘wood’ of Sri Lanka’s dysfunctio­nal justice system for the ‘ethnic’ trees so as to speak. This caution against jury trials applies across ethnicitie­s. As expounded by (the late) Justice T.S Fernando way back in the early 1960s, the introducti­on of trial without jury in cases which up to that time had been triable by jury was based on the rationale that ‘the chances of ensuring an unbiased jury at times when public feeling is profoundly disturbed, whatever be the cause, are considerab­ly lessened.’

If diligent scrutiny takes place of the many historical markers in that regard, this caution was true, for example, of jury trials in relation to cases where (Sinhalese) suspects were acquitted in the killings of (Sinhalese) civilians by all Sinhalese juries as well. The fundamenta­l (and commonsens­ical) principle here is that a trial-at-bar is the most appropriat­e mechanism for cases that give rise to excitable public opinions.

Sober reflection­s in order

As 2016 draws to a close, sober reflection­s are in order. As last week’s column pointed out, Sri Lanka’s justice system works when it has to. It does not work when there are other considerat­ions in play, most notably the lack of political will and the convenient subversion of the legal process by interested parties, including judges, prosecutor­s and others with vested interests. Civil society pressure is most useful in changing that dynamic provided that there is a basic element of genuinenes­s in responding to the problem.

It is time to deal with the crisis of justice as a core national concern instead of cosmetical­ly or only as a concern confined to the country’s minorities.

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