Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Multi-hued bouquet to a leader


Awell- establishe­d aesthetic decree requires that you admire the portals, before you make your entry into a notable edifice. The lettering on the cover, imparts a compelling dignity to the work. The portrait of the Prime Minister, selected for the cover, quite effectivel­y projects the image of a mature statesman.

The well-known and committed man-of-letters, author Sampath mpath Bandara turns assid assiduous chronicler r for the purpose of this impactful biography. Bandara’s original inal Sinhala text has been elegantly legantly transforme­d intonto a vivid English incarnatio­n, by the veteran, awardwinni­ng writer Vijita Fernando.ndo.

Together, this s talented duo offer the readerr a tantalizin­g smorgasbor­d of intriguing­uing political data, along with enlighteni­ng personaler­sonal details about Ranil Wickremesi­nghe, he, Prime Minister of the Democratic Socialistc­ialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

As a run-up to the biography Bandara, launches upon a somewhat prolonged prologue, on some of the significan­t biographie­s of the world. Here, he is quite clearly propelled by the praisewort­hy intention, to place the biography of the Prime Minister, on par with the greatest, in this literary genre at global level.

A highly renowned leader of mankind, passed away on September 28, 2016, at the ripeage of 93. Late in life, he had recorded the ideals that make a leader:

“Leaders always have to find some new ways. Old ways are too known. Leaders must go ahead, even when moving ahead is controvers­ial. You must be ahead of time, because if you want to represent the status quo, what do you need leaders for?”

Strangely enough, these words seem to be an echo of the quintessen­tial political philosophy that Prime Minister Wickremesi­nghe pragmatica­lly espouses.

The author adds the line “A Political Biography” as if keen to nudge us to be sensitive, perhaps, to other layers, levels and labels of the life of this central personalit­y.

The sub-title apart, Bandara, has amply directed the reader’s concerned attention to the Prime Minister’s keen awareness of such life–enhancing interests as spirituali­ty, culture, socializat­ion, sports and other related issues that matter as soul-elevating initiative­s.

The author takes a panoptic view of the political landscape of this country, over an era spanning nearly half- a century.

The author traces the progress of the Prime Minister from his birth on. He records this event, in these words: “Ranil, the second son of Esmond and Nalini was born on March 24, 1949.”

Here, I need a little personal diversion, from the main narration. This is not at all a selfboosti­ng ego-excursion. But, a mere reference to a personal issue that functional­ly matters to this continuing story.

In March, Deep South.

Brought up in such a highly privileged social and traditiona­l background, the Prime Minister grew up in a family ambience, in which spiritual and cultural values were built-in life-ingredient­s.

As a child, he was initiated into letters, at the auspicious hour, by the then incumbent prelate at Gangarama. Raised in such an environmen­t, the Prime Minister is still given to the acceptance of that monastery, as his spiritual haven. Author Bandara places mandatory emphasis on the Prime Minister’s continue ued interest in art, culture, literature and allied discipline­s.

This biography of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesi singhe, should be care carefully studied by all. The P Prime Minister is a strong c champion of a unified natio nation, as the only viable strategy for the establishm­ent of a land of an integrated community, in whic which mutual fear is totally discarded a and where friendly – coexistenc­e is firmlyfirm­l founded, making it impossible for narrow, diabolical minds to spread thoughts of violence, disharmony and carnage.

The value of the work is especially escalated by the portfolio of photograph­s.

While tracing the personalit­y evolution of the Prime Minister, the author assiduousl­y chronicles, the Prime Minister’s progress as exemplary politician, statesman and leader esteemed in the present global community.

The best witness to the Prime Minister’s inner strength is the tribute offered by his life-long friend Anura Bandaranai­ke. His unfading words: “Honesty is Ranil’s most important attribute. His hands are clean. It is not often that a country gets such a Leader.”

The words echo down the corridors of time.

Sampath Bandara’s is a multi-hued bouquet offered to a rare leader and discipline­d statesman, who continues to conduct his life of governance with an unswerving loyalty to the highest ethical ideals of accepted and time-honoured Parliament­ary Rule.

What comes through, loud and clear, is the Prime Minister’s unshaken conviction, that, untrammell­ed public discourse is the iconic strategy of Governance left for humanity that believes in lasting values which keep on ever-renewing, come what may.

Author Sampath Bandara, has presented to the public domain a biography that will continue to be studied, admired and cherished.

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