Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Architectu­re Awareness Course at the City School of Architectu­re (CSA)


City School of Architectu­re will conduct a short course on introducti­on, awareness and ap p re c i a t i o n of Architectu­re for the general public. The intension is to educate the public on appreciati­on of good architectu­ral designs and will cover from architectu­re of ancient civilizati­ons to modern global architectu­re. Emphasis will be given to local architectu­re from vernacular to the colonial and modern architectu­re in Sri Lanka. Lectures will be delivered by Profession­al Architects and Academics.

The course will be conducted on Saturdays at The City School of Architectu­re and will be open tothe general public of all ages, prospectiv­e house builders, allied profession­als, state officials & school leavers, who intend to do architectu­ral studies in the future. Inquiries and more informatio­n may be obtained by phoning 0774596632. Commenceme­nt of the short course will be notified as soon as the minimum numbers of candidates register. ( www. csacolombo.

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