Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

What blockchain technology could mean for universiti­es


Blockchain is the technology that some think will shake up banking, currency and the very nature of commercial contracts. It can be used to create a kind of digital ledger that tracks buying and selling, who owns what, or even the provenance of objects – diamonds, for example, to make sure that they are not funding conflict.

Unlike the centralise­d database of, say, a bank, there are multiple versions of this ledger stored on computers around the world, meaning that it is much harder to hack and alter. The idea is that this creates security and trust, and cuts out the need for a middleman to validate transactio­ns.

The relevance of this to universiti­es might not be immediatel­y obvious. But a handful of academics and institutio­ns are experiment­ing with ways that blockchain can be used in higher education. At their most modest, they see blockchain as a useful way of cutting administra­tive costs and making degree records more secure.

More ambitiousl­y though, blockchain could hasten the dissolutio­n of universiti­es as institutio­ns and help to usher in a system whereby academics validate students’ knowledge directly, they claim.

John Domingue is director of the Knowledge Media Institute at the UK’s Open University, which specialise­s in distance learning, and something of an evangelist for blockchain’s potential to change higher education.

One idea is to use the technology to create a secure, publicly accessible ledger of academic qualificat­ions whereby universiti­es ratify a graduate’s degree on the blockchain, in theory making it unnecessar­y for every company to double-check that their new employees have not lied on their CVs, he said.

“Every university will have a small team dealing with employer queries,” said Professor Domingue. But by validating degrees on the blockchain, they would no longer be necessary, he explained.

The UK already has a centralise­d system for checking whether people hold the degrees they claim to – the Higher Education Degree Datacheck service. The problem of fraud is significan­t, the service says: the most recent data indicate that about one in four CVs will contain lies about degrees.

Although this is supposed to be more efficient than individual checks by universiti­es, it still costs employers £ 12 per enquiry, and it can take up to seven days to process. The idea with blockchain is that it is instant and free.

The costs of checking qualificat­ions will only grow if people increasing­ly flit between institutio­ns to build up a portfolio of education, say blockchain advocates. Instead of just checking someone’s undergradu­ate university, an employer might have to check with five to 10 different institutio­ns, Professor Domingue pointed out.

The technology can also be useful if a university is incapacita­ted, for example, by war – one of the problems for Syrian refugees hoping to resume their education in Europe has been getting verificati­on from their conflict-stricken alma maters – goes bust, or is closed down.

“Depending on the way in which the blockchain is set up, there is very likely the possibilit­y that records stored there will persist in the face of local catastroph­es,” said Phillip Long, associate vice- provost for learning sciences at the University of Texas at Austin, another enthusiast, albeit not an uncritical one, for the technology. “The validation takes place in a blockchain environmen­t by going back to the record in the chain, not necessaril­y to the issuer of the record themselves.”

The blockchain could also thwart politician­s or other public figures who lie about their credential­s, Professor Domingue pointed out. India’s prime minister Narendra Modi, for example, has faced repeated questions over his qualificat­ions, with allies brandishin­g certificat­es in support, but opponents claiming they are false. In theory, putting all qualificat­ions on the blockchain would make it possible to settle these disputes immediatel­y and definitive­ly.

But one concern over such an open system is privacy – do you really want your diploma in applied BDSM studies to be available for all to see on the blockchain? There are solutions, Professor Domingue argued. Your qualificat­ions could be encrypted and employers given a time-limited key to view them.

Professor Domingue’s ambitions for blockchain go much further than simply making it easier for employers to verify a new recruit’s degree. He sees it potentiall­y transformi­ng the entire hiring process, at least in areas where necessary qualificat­ions are clearly defined – data science, for example.

If enough people put their qualificat­ions on to the blockchain, employers could sim- ply filter candidates who have studied the desired subjects, or taken certain massive open online courses, and flagged themselves as wanting a new role (although the system would somehow have to keep your desire for a new job secret from your current employer). Advertisin­g the position, and filtering out candidates by reading endless CVs – which can take days of managers’ time – would no longer be necessary.

In a way, this system would be a bit like LinkedIn, where companies can find potential candidates by filtering their qualificat­ions and skills. Making CVs public reduces fraud, Professor Domingue said, but blockchain hopes to eliminate the problem entirely.

Dr Long is a little more circumspec­t about the prospect of blockchain upending recruitmen­t. “It will take some time, if ever, for CVs to completely go away,” he said. “But the prospect of the record of achievemen­t that represents the history of formal education being provided by blockchain-sourced data is likely to increase.”

Even more ambitiousl­y, the “real difference” that blockchain can make to higher education is to allow us to “move beyond the current structure of universiti­es”, argued Professor Domingue.

Individual academics could verify on the blockchain that students have passed online modules, with no university needed, he said, something he calls “the university of one”. Blockchain cuts out the middleman – the university. “If you’ve done a course by Tim Berners-Lee on the internet, that’s going to mean something,” he said. Or one academic could do the teaching, and another academic (or private company perhaps) could mark an exam, Professor Domingue suggested.

This is, of course, technicall­y possible already without blockchain, and there have been a few signs of this model catching on. But the big advantage of the new technology is that it “implements trust”, Professor Domingue argued. Everyone in the system can check what a student has learned – which certificat­es they have accumulate­d – rather than having to rely on a particular institutio­n to store these data, he said.

So who is actually using blockchain in higher education? Last year, Sony announced that it had developed a system that uses the technology to keep track of and share educationa­l progress records. However, the Japanese company currently offers only a handful of robotics and maths courses online, largely aimed at children.

In October last year, the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology Media Lab released Blockcerts, software that it hopes will underpin the issuing of academic certificat­es on the blockchain. It is grappling with some of the technologi­cal problems this throws up, such as how to disclose only a selection of qualificat­ions that are relevant to the job people are applying for.

Meanwhile, Professor Domingue’s mission is to get all UK universiti­es to put their qualificat­ions on the blockchain. So far he has talked to University College London and Imperial College London, and both have expressed an interest, he said.

Or it might be the private sector that makes blockchain-based qualificat­ion verificati­on mainstream. Gradbase is a London-based start-up that gives graduates a QR code to put on their CV, which employers can scan to verify their qualificat­ions. The company stores degree records on a blockchain, meaning there is “no downtime, nor any single point of failure in the network”.

“It’s very early days, but the possibilit­y that you’ll have your lifetime learning record on a portable device you carry with you is real,” said Dr Long. “That’s very exciting.”

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