Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Policy reform must follow ‘fact-finding’ exercises of the UN


Even allowing for the caustic truth of the 16th century saying that ‘what cannot be cured must be endured’, there is a limit to endurance if Sri Lanka has to undergo repeated visits of internatio­nal United Nations missions without tangible benefits ensuing to the country’s long-suffering citizens.

A more incisive critique needed

Thus, the recent visit of the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWG) to Sri Lanka must be followed by definitive state policy reform, at least to the extent of allowing suspects in police custody, the prompt access to legal counsel without being hedged about by conditions that deprive that basic right of much of its force.

As discussed in last week’s column spaces, the recently gazetted amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code leaves a lot to be desired. It needs to be jettisoned forthwith. A replacemen­t that is in consonance with Sri Lanka’s judicial precedents on the suspect’s right to prompt legal access must be adopted. This is particular­ly so given the UNWG’s preliminar­y finding that detainees do not ‘enjoy some of the most fundamenta­l guarantees of due process’ such as immediate access to legal assistance from the moment of the arrest and before their initial statement is recorded. Indeed, the team had noted that the interrogat­ion of detainees by the authoritie­s without a lawyer at police stations is ‘of great concern.’

That said, a more incisive critique of draft laws on counter-terror and criminal justice would have been opportune. Visiting UN teams should desist from gingerly side-stepping specificit­ies in these matters. The value of the visits comes from the propensity to take on the ‘hard issues’ rather than wallow in the easy stuff, as it were. While in other respects, the UNWG’s observatio­ns are doubtless useful, it does not take internatio­nal visitors to announce with pomp and circumstan­ce that Sri Lanka’s prisons are overcrowde­d. That is a fact that Sri Lankans know very well and have known in fact, for decades even as successive Government­s of all party colours have failed to address that problem.

Formal state acts are not enough

And by hard policy reform, I do not mean the mere act of accession to internatio­nal treaties or their protocols. That ideal faded a long time ago. And the fact that Sri Lanka acceded to the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) on 5th December 2017 and that Protocol will enter into force on 4 January next year gives rise to little perceptibl­e exhilarati­on. True, the accession is good in principle. The Protocol obliges states parties to establish a system of regular independen­t visits to places of detention so that torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is prevented. The UNWG’s welcoming of the accession to the OPCAT is to be expected. But that, by itself, does not suffice.

A vast gap exists between these formal acts of accession and practical realities. As a civil liberties lawyer who has actively worked with the Internatio­nal Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), it can be authoritat­ively said that Sri Lanka’s accession to the ICCPR protocol allowing its citizens the right to take violations of the ICCPR directly to the Human Rights Committee (HRC) once domestic procedures have been exhausted, more than twenty years ago has not been actually allowed to improve domestic rights protection­s due to an obvious lack of political will. Out of several recommenda­tions handed down by the Committee, not a single recommenda­tion has been implemente­d. This happened to be the case even before a Sri Lankan Chief Justice (Sarath Silva) employed convoluted logic to determine that Committee members exercise ‘judicial power’ over Sri Lankans, to the profound consternat­ion of internatio­nal legal experts. This decision which stands as law until it is reconsider­ed by a Full Bench of the Court departed from the measured thinking of earlier Justices of the Sri Lankan Court who had preferred to judiciousl­y use the ICCPR rights.

In fact, and quite apart from the OPCAT, the truth is that the Convention against Torture which was enacted into domestic law in this country remains a pitiful failure in practice. So it is a mistake to think that a mere act of accession occasions jubilation. Our history has proven this faith to be woefully misplaced. In fact, many of the UN Human Rights Committee’s unimplemen­ted recommenda­tions on making the legal system effective were detailed and painstakin­g charted by Special Rapportuer­s of the caliber of law professors Philip Alston and Manfred Novak from more than a decade ago. Many were also reflected in the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconcilia­tion Commission (LLRC).

Public cynicism in response to UN visits

Using the still pending cases into the horrific extra judicial killings of seventeen Tamil and Muslim aid workers in Mutur in August 2006 and five Tamil students in Trincomale­e in January of that same year, the LLRC traced fault lines in respect of investigat­ions, the detention process, prosecutio­ns (including witness protection) and the judicial process. Many of the LLRC recommenda­tions also remain unimplemen­ted or as in the case of the so-called Victim and Witness Protection Authority, are cosmetical­ly in force.

In fact, the public cynicism that greets the numerous visits of missions from the United Nations as well as elsewhere is manifest. The most jubilant appear to be the nationalis­ts who use the visits to underscore their favorite point that Sri Lanka is ‘succumbing’ to internatio­nal pressure. In fact, no one is succumbing to anything.

Rather, we tread our weary way without any perceptibl­e change in the way that citizens are deprived of their due process rights, ranging from the tortured villager in the South who is mercilessl­y beaten by police officers to the ‘terrorist suspect’ in the North who is forced to sign a confession by his interrogat­ors. Now that the Rajapaksa ‘excesses’ are no longer evidenced, we have returned to the old ‘normal, not a healthy pattern of behavior on any count.

Put on notice to show policy change

If these systemic failures have not been addressed up to now, are we not participat­ing in a cynical game that betrays victims who are at the heart of state perpetrate­d outrages? And without the State being put on notice to show solid policy change, why this reinventin­g of the wheel with very little to show for it?

Surely these are questions that demand answers from the Government as well as those well-meaning observers who come to the shores of this country to ‘observe’ and depart.

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