Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

MoE issues 'To Do' List to safeguard Education material

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With the increasing threat of floods and landslides, the Ministry of Education ( MoE) has issued a list of instructio­ns to schools and residences with schoolchil­dren, on how to protect school books and equipment.

“Floods and landslides in the last two years caused destructio­n to lives and property, as well as important administra­tive documents, school textbooks, uniforms etc. Therefore, schools should immediatel­y take precau- tions, as soon as early warnings are issued,” the MoE said.

Schools are instructed to immediatel­y store textbooks, files and administra­tion documents in an upper floor in a safe storage place.

“If the school does not have an upper floor or, a safe place within the premises, remove computers, musical instrument­s and sports goods moved to a safe building, until the threat is over,” the MoE advised.

Principals are requested to inspect areas around their school to detect new cracks in slopes, if muddy water is leaking or, trees in danger of falling due to loose soil. Such trees that could pose a threat to students, to be immediatel­y cut down.

“If the school has been previously used as a safe place for displaced families, to remove important school equipment to safe places, and obtain community support to keep the buildings clean, while extending support to helpless families and children,” the MoE instructed.

Families with schoolchil­dren, living in high risk areas, are advised to take early measures such as wrapping schools books or documents in plastic covers or storing them in bins, and shift them to an upper floor, if there is a flood threat.

The MoE also advised, if possible, to photograph or scan important documents and save it on email. It also advised schools and families to be familiar with evacuation routes and to be alert over warnings.

According to the Disaster Management Centre, 9 deaths have taken place, over 1,000 houses damaged, about 6,000 people displaced and over 70,000 affected by the present inclement weather.

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