Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Looking through the environmen­tal lens of unregulate­d tourism

- By Piyumani Ranasinghe

The story of Sri Lanka tourism is now turning out to be one of misadventu­re than satisfacti­on, given the unregulate­d nature of the entire enterprise and the resulting environmen­tal consequenc­es. Although, the post-war era has witnessed a boost in the island nation’s tourist industry in general, it continues to exist as an untapped economic potential according to the 2017- 2020 Tourism Strategic Plan ( TSP) drafted by the Ministry of Tourism Developmen­t and Christian Religious Affairs. The plan mainly highlights that the country is missing opportunit­ies in increasing investment and employment within tourism which hinders its ability to utilise tourism revenues to conserve the environmen­t and sustainabl­y support local communitie­s. Quite alarmingly, it also translates into the country lacking a long- term view of sustaining the industry, balancing the socio- economic carrots ( such as revenue and employment opportunit­ies) with the economic externalit­ies, such as environmen­tal costs.

Interestin­gly, the TSP has recommende­d actions and implementa­tion mechanisms aiming at a four- year plan, with a panoramic view of the United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­tal Goals ( UNSDGs) and ecotourism. It also highlights the importance of a collaborat­ive role engulfing all stakeholde­rs concerned: government, investors, communitie­s, visitors etc. However, a plan only looks good on paper if actions are yet to be successful­ly implemente­d. This includes mechanisms for continuous monitoring as well as evaluation. It should be borne in mind that any case of mismanagem­ent can lead to consequenc­es that outlive the momentary enjoyment of pristine environmen­ts. Although the task of environmen­tal protection is not an exclusive job at the hands of the government or one stakeholde­r per se; the government holds direct as well as indirect responsibi­lity to environmen­tal costs incurred within the industry as it is the main regulatory body. The unattracti­ve cross-section of unregulate­d tourism, not only raises the red flag of environmen­tal degradatio­n, but also pinpoints at the economic liabilitie­s it incurs on the industry in the longer run.

Ecotourism in Sri Lanka: An attempt of Green-washing?

Ecotourism is the lucrative trend within the industry that entertains visitors within natural and relatively undisturbe­d environmen­ts. The Nature Conservanc­y and the World Conservati­on Union have defined ecotourism as the “environmen­tally responsibl­e travel to natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature ( and accompanyi­ng cultural features both past and present) that promote conservati­on, have a low visitor impact, and provide for beneficial­ly active socio- economic involvemen­t of local people.” In this way, although ecotourism can enhance economic developmen­t; conservati­on of protected areas by providing local employment and community ownership; and generate revenues to sustainabl­y manage protected areas; without careful planning and management in balancing ecological, social, and economic objectives, the impact on the environmen­t can be cataclysmi­c. The absence of planning, implementa­tion and consistent follow- through in terms of projects, underlies the very issue of unregulate­d tourism in Sri Lanka, leading to an array of environmen­tal calamities.

For example, the natural environmen­t and its quality can deteriorat­e due to inappropri­ate design of latrines, septic tanks, and solid waste. In the constructi­on of leisure establishm­ents, hotels and holiday homes deforestat­ion and the destructio­n of unique flora happens. To meet the definition of ecotourism, trips must involve visiting natural environmen­ts, doing nothing to change or adversely affect these areas, and providing cultural and economic advantages to local communitie­s. Since there is no clear way to enforce these requiremen­ts in most instances, and given that businesses can advertise trips as ecotourism even when they aren’t environmen­tally responsibl­e, “green-washing” is inevitable in Sri Lanka.

Sewage Water Rafting in Kithulgala

Kithulgala is an interestin­g case of such unregulate­d tourism, where white water rafting across the cascading Kelani River, is now an adventure in waters direly polluted by fecal matter. Samanala Graama Sanvardhan­e Samithiya, a community based organisati­on ( CBO) complains that sewage of leisure services establishm­ents alongside the river is released to the river given the lack of monitoring by the government agencies. Some of the establishm­ents are directly placed on the river bank, which is illegal in itself. Quite tragically, the issue of sewage contaminat­ion heightens when large groups of guests arrive en route to Adam’s peak during the seasonal months. Moreover, due to the poor solid waste management system, there have been instances where leisure establishm­ents had directly disposed solid waste into the river. Environmen­tal Foundation Ltd ( EFL) notes that, it received a complaint from the CBO in May 2017, of a microbiolo­gy water test conducted by the Water Resources Board as per a request made by the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Management.

The results of the test indicated a rise in pollution levels, where the cleanlines­s of the water was deemed unsatisfac­tory. Whilst the bacteriolo­gical requiremen­t for potable water under SLS 614:2013 of E.coli in a 100ml sample of water was 0/ 100ml; the highest recording of total E.coli form bacteria at 37° C was 1000/ 100ml in the tested sample of water. Not only is this disgusting, but it is also devastatin­g to the riverine community whose daily requiremen­ts of water is sustained by the Kelani River. EFL notes that, it is currently working towards addressing the issue of sewage contaminat­ion in the Kelani River surroundin­g Kithulgala, although the complicati­ons of the matter rise with government agencies working in silos.

Freedom of the Wild Ass and Wild Life

Government agencies continue to hibernate through the sorry state of the national parks in Sri Lanka, even if, the iconic marine and terrestria­l wildlife of the island, is a core tourist attraction. Together they generate significan­t revenue for conservati­on of the natural environmen­t, where the revenues incurred from National Parks in 2015 alone, was over Rs. 15 million. Yet the state of many of these national parks remains dismal and despairing. The most visited national parks in the last five years include Yala, Horton Plains and Udawalawa. The state of these national parks is unbelievab­ly substandar­d. Although much has been spoken about Yala; the subject sadly, but continuous­ly lingers on due to the persisting issues within the national park: such as rundown vehicles, speeding, crowding at wildlife sites and poor infrastruc­ture. Ideally, where the revenues generated should be invested in conserving and better managing the environmen­t, the lack of action in either of those ends raises the burning question as to where all that money goes.

Like land- based wildlife tourism, marine tourism management requires stringent government interventi­on to ensure a sustainabl­e footing. Three key sites mostly visited to sight blue and sperm whales, dolphins, turtles, Spinner dolphins and certain small shark species include Mirissa on the south coast, Trincomale­e on the northeast coast, and Kalpitiya peninsula on the northwest coast. Yet, as EFL pointed out there is a major problem in the management of whale watching, particular­ly in Mirissa and Kalpitiya, where compact, overloaded, slow boats chase and harass the marine wildlife. The government should not only, implement the internatio­nally recognised regulatory standards for sustainabl­e vessel-based whale watching but also introduce an Environmen­tal Protection Licence ( EPL) to service providers, as an incentive to actively recognise the importance of environmen­tally sound protocols.

Way Forward

Some of these case studies are taken into considerat­ion in the aforementi­oned TSP, which identifies the vitality of environmen­tally sound mechanisms in addressing the persisting calamities. Yet, it goes without saying that, there is a long way forward in successful­ly ensuring monitoring and evaluation of these steps. Certain loopholes within the regulatory framework have resulted in the destructio­n of pristine environmen­ts, especially under the label of ecotourism. EFL’s case regarding the Sallitivu Islet in Vakarai, for instance is a timely example, which shows that a tourism project which was carried out under the name “Leisure and Pleasure Pristine Eco Culture,” was not even cleared by an Environmen­tal Impact Assessment ( EIA) and an Initial Environmen­tal Examinatio­n ( IEE). One key issue in this particular case was that, an integrated government­al effort was not taken to inhibit the illegal tourism project. Although, there is a chunk of literature on sustainabl­e tourism projects practicabl­e to Sri Lanka, including the TSP, and policy recommenda­tions generated by academics and profession­als, it has not been incorporat­ed in the policy cycle effectivel­y and certainly has not been followed through by government­al agencies. Thus, the destiny of the unregulate­d tourism and its consequenc­es, remain unresolved and tangled in the web of the Sri Lankan political game. Praisewort­hily, organisati­ons such as EFL work towards the protection of environmen­tal objectives in tourism, which highlights the crucial role of the civil society in ensuring accountabi­lity of government­al bodies to their actions.

(The writer is an Associate Research

Fellow at the Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka (INSSSL). She is a graduate of Internatio­nal Relations

from the University of London and is currently reading for her LL.B. degree at the University of Peradeniya. Her views are independen­t).

Although, there is a chunk of literature on sustainabl­e tourism projects practicabl­e to Sri Lanka, including the TSP, and policy recommenda­tions generated by academics and profession­als, it has not been incorporat­ed in the policy cycle effectivel­y and certainly has not been followed through by government­al agencies.

 ??  ?? File picture of white water rafting in Kithulgala.
File picture of white water rafting in Kithulgala.

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