Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)




1. Group of travelers, journeying together. (7) 5. Freed from all moisture. (5) 8. Open a bottle. (5) 9. Fulfill the desires and expectatio­ns and provide full contentmen­t. (7) 10. True to fact; not exaggerate­d. (7) 11. A sharp rugged mountain ridge, produced by glaciation. (5) 12. He entertains people on the street and in public places. (6) 14. A state of mental or emotional strain or suspense. (6) 17. Muscle spasm. (5) 19. Raise to a higher state, rank, or office. (7) 22. Children’s performanc­e. (7) 23. Impair, damage, or harm the character or nature of. (5) 24. Short tests. (5) 25. To strike (someone) a blow, slap on the face. (7)


1. Wicked. (5) 2. Repeats from memory. (7) 3. Venomous snake. (5) 4. Lie close and snug. (6) 5. Take away a part, as from quality, value, or reputation. (7) 6. Bone of contention? (5) 7. Decorative mats of lace or lacelike paper, laid under plates. (7) 12. Popular vehicle for transport which Daisy declined. (7) 13. Articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise. (7) 15. Charm or captivate. (7) 16. To present as a gift; give; confer. (6) 18. Temporary absence or cessation of breathing. (5) 20. Follow as natural course of events. (5) 21. Brilliant or conspicuou­s success. (5)

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