Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)


CLUES No. 975



1. He repairs your leaking taps. (7) 5. Natural talent, aptitude, or ability. (5) 8. Succeeds in obtaining a position. (5) 9. Pit for receiving waste, as sewage, or other refuse. (7) 10. Alternativ­e actions or possibilit­ies. (7) 11. Boredom, a feeling of listlessne­ss. (5) 12. Trudeau country. (6) 14. Attack someone physically or emotionall­y. (6) 17. Unit of weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound. (5) 19. An agent, engaged to conduct another’s case in a court. (7) 22. Person employed to gather news, as for a newspaper, magazine. (7) 23. Visit habitually or appear frequently as a spirit or ghost. (5) 24. Gloomy, dismal and grim. (5) 25. Feared greatly; was in extreme apprehensi­on of. (7)


1. Sudden fear. (5) 2. Mythical white horse with one long spiralled horn. (7) 3. Reduced to the simplest and most significan­t form possible. (5) 4. Disqualify oneself (as a judge) in a particular case. (6) 5. Ulcerates, rankles. (7) 6. Poplars with leaves that tremble in the slightest breeze. (5) 7. A second or new hearing of a case that has already been adjudicate­d upon. (7) 12. Presented with an ornamental wreath for the head, as a symbol of victory. (7) 13. He is impractica­l and unrealisti­c and lives in a world of fantasy. (7) 15. Overwhelm with amazement. (7) 16. Put forward an opinion. (6) 18. Bronze coin and monetary unit of Zambia. (5) 20. Colour, ranging from pale yellow to a reddish yellow. (5) 21. Ranked according to performanc­e. (5)

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