Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Conquer the fear for English with Sri Lanka Foundation Institute


We already know that we are living in a globalised world where each and every country is connected together; and the connecting thread is non-other than language. Out of the languages that are being used, English still reigns as the queen on communicat­ion and will continue to do so for many decades to come. Fluency in English gives a unique capacity for any individual to excel in life, as it is the language of trade and commerce, entertainm­ent and education.

Yet, in spite of its value and validity in the present social and personal context, many in Sri Lanka hold an irrational fear and anxiety at the thought of English. Ability to use English is a skill that can be mastered with three simple steps. It takes time, dedication and proper guidance for anyone from any background to use the “kaduwa” with fluency.

At the SLF English Language Unit, special attention is paid to these three requiremen­ts and courses have been designed to facilitate the common demands. This article, will give readers a detailed list of reasons why they should select SLF English language courses to actualise their dreams of using English language fluently and confidentl­y.

SLF offers a range of courses from basic level to diploma level, to suite recipients’ present level of knowledge to build up their dream. For each level, the prospectiv­e learner should sit for a placement test to assess the present language proficienc­y in order to be forwarded to a suitable level. SLF believes that this step is crucial in the learning process because within the classroom, learners will be able to grasp the content efficientl­y and successful­ly as the subject matter is custom made and easy to follow.

Another value added quality of SLF English courses is that each and every lesson is developed by an experience­d panel of educationa­lists with the sole intention of developing the four major skills in language, namely speaking, writing, listening and reading. The SLF thoroughly believes in interactiv­e learning process, as a skill needs to be practiced continuous­ly to again its mastery. SLF learners are presented with multiple opportunit­ies at each session to interact with each other either as groups, pairs and/ or individual­s in speaking, writing and listening activities making class room atmosphere vibrant and animated.

SLF which was establishe­d under a parliament Act in 1973, is one of the leading institutes in adult edu- cation and training, functionin­g under the purview of the President Secretaria­t. All the SLF English languages courses are developed complying with the standards specified by the National Vocational Qualificat­ions (NVQ levels. Being an institute registered under the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission ( TVEC), makes SLF qualificat­ions recognised by both public and private sector organisati­ons. Furthermor­e, SLF is located in the heart of Colombo city in a serene and unique environmen­t inclusive of air- condition; audio, visual and other facilities ideal for learning and training,

On last note, the applicatio­n process for the year 2019 is now open at the SLF. Those who wish to join the programme can do so by visiting the website and submitting a duly completed applicatio­n to SLF: visiting S L F E d u c at i o n Developmen­t Unit ( EDU) in person and handing over an applicatio­n or posting a self- made applicatio­n mentioning applicant’s name, postal address, e- mail address, contact number, highest educationa­l qualificat­ion possessed and the course preferred, to The Chairman, No100, Sri Lanka Padanama Mawatha, Independen­ce Square, Colombo 07.

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