Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

If Not

- By Don Manu

I walked with kings and lost the common touch

The coronet’s lure o’rawed me so much No saint am I to pretend else and mask My exalted state when I, in Royalty, bask ***

I mingled with crowds and n’er kept my virtue Gained instead their vile vices to pursue; What divine arrogance would dare me think I could lie with skunks and not get their stink ***

In the midst of disaster, how can I smile While my new born infant spouts hunger’s bile

Can I but then, in heartless God like glee, Mock the fates and say ‘what will be, will be?’


I’ve met Triumph and I’ve known Disaster But could n’er treat same those two monsters Triumphs sojourn did enrich me with gains Disaster outstayed and bequeathed its pains ***

Heap all your winnings on one turn of toss? It’s easy to tease when it’s not your loss If only luck’s lass would deign wink just once I’ll take home my spoils with no second glance


I did keep my head when others lost theirs But then again I wasn’t heir to their nightmares

I laughed till I cried, mocking their despair Knowing not that I’ll soon partake their fare ***

I dreamt and I did make dreams my master Pursued my vision through disdain’s laughter I am what I am cause I in my sleep Conjured the future, reckoned what to reap ***

If not for that wise pragmatism’s reach

I’ll end up whale like on Fate’s steeps beached

Then mine would be the earth and the worms in it

Would turn me to dust, Life’s sole definite.

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