Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

IIHS hosts 14th BioInquire­r Annual Academic Sessions


A pioneering Sri Lankan education institute with 16 years in the field, the Internatio­nal Institute of Health Science (IIHS) recently hosted the 14th BioInquire­r Annual Academic Sessions and Workshop on 17th and 18th of November 2018.

The BioInquire­r forum is a global incubator that arms profession­als with knowledge and promotes growth. IIHS typically hosts two BioInquire­r forums each year wherein participat­ing profession­als are motivated to present their work at a competitiv­e level, with each conference aiming to transform attendees from task-oriented individual­s to critical thinkers.

Frequently, evidence-based research generated at virtually every BioInquire­r forum has a profound effect on future generation­s of profession­als and academics. In fact, all research topics at this forum surrounds the United Nation›s Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs), namely SDG 3 (Good Health), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequaliti­es) and SDG 17 (Partnershi­ps for Goals).

The theme for 2018’s BioInquire­r Annual Academic Sessions was “New Dimension in Health: Creating a Sustainabl­e Healthcare Safety Net for All”. In this case, the Healthcare Safety Net (HSN) has been defined as utilising a provider network that organizes and delivers a significan­t level of healthcare and other related services to uninsured, underinsur­ed and other vulnerable population­s irrespecti­ve of their financial circumstan­ces, insurance status or health condition. Ultimately, HSNs must become sustainabl­e to achieve high-quality delivery of care, so public health can be improved without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage.

The Keynote Speaker for the 14th BioInquire­r Annual Academic Sessions and Workshop was Dr. Sarath Samarage, Senior Fellow at Institute for Health Policy Sri Lanka, who commented on the measures to be taken to ensure a sustainabl­e Health Safety Net for all Sri Lankans.

Importantl­y, a number of IIHS’s internatio­nal partners attended this year’s forum, including representa­tives from Metropolia Helsinki University of Applied Sciences, Deakin University (Australia) and Peking University (China). Further, there were over 103 publicatio­ns in the 2018 BioInquire­r journal, with 15 research publicatio­ns submitted from government nursing training schools, which resulted from a Research Roadshow held between 2016 and 2018 that was conducted island-wide at all Nursing Training Schools with over 5,000 reached.

Commenting on 14th BioInquire­r Annual Academic Sessions and Workshop, Dr. Kithsiri Edirisingh­e, CEO and Director - Academics at IIHS, stated, “BioInquire­r is an incubator where evidence based knowledge is dispersed to the community in the form of Conference­s, Research Forums, Community Projects and Workshops. In 2016,

1. Participan­ts at BioInquire­r Annual Academic Forum

2. Participan­ts from the Deakin University

3. Participan­ts from Nursing Training School

IIHS aligned with the 17 UN SDGs and since then all research projects have aligned with the goals. Further, in 2018, the final year undergradu­ate students of IIHS conducted research on vulnerable population­s in Sri Lanka. At IIHS, we encourage students to step outside the box and engage in community projects which would align their work with global initiative­s towards health and wellbeing.”

As Sri Lanka’s premier Internatio­nal University Learning Center (IULC), IIHS has for 16 years offered programmes ranging from Certificat­es to PhDs. As a wellrespec­ted IULC, the programmes offered at IIHS are done so in partnershi­p with leading global universiti­es with which IIHS has secured pathway opportunit­ies for students to achieve their internatio­nal dreams at an affordable price.

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