Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Keep the message of Christmas alive through the year

- By Therese Motha

Does it not strike you that somewhere along the way, Christians seem to have put Christ out of Christmas? Christians who seem to have been dormant most of the year, have a way of coming alive at Christmas. For them, it is an endless round of parties, feasting, giving and receiving of gifts, etc.

Do they know the real meaning of Christmas, and the event it celebrates? That it is Christ’s birthday they are supposed to celebrate?

The festive lights and the gifts and the ornaments are fine, but they are only a setting for the real jewel; the birth of a baby that marked the descent of God himself to mankind. That’s where the true meaning of Christmas lies. Christmas is love in action.

Christmas is together time. It is also a time of giving. Charity is very strongly to the fore this season. But why should everyone become saturated with goodwill only at Christmas time?Why should this attitude of good fellowship be shed for the next eleven months?

Year in and year out, it is the same story. Wouldn’t it be nice if their generosity had a little more staying power? If at least, one or two of the redeeming features of the season can filter through into the remaining months of the year, the results would be inspiring.

Christmas should not be a single day or season, but a joyfulness which can be celebrated at any time of the year, if only our hearts are attuned to it.Then truly, with Charles Schultz, we could say, “Christmas makes the rest of the year worthwhile”.

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