Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

The Folly of Greed: Part 3

- By Don Manu

(Continued from last week) Reprieved but unrepentan­t, his new ascent Served now to make him feel omnipotent; Briefly did cruel Fates fool him with pretense: Then cast to the wolves sans any defence ***

The die was cast, denouement’s last dirge Couldn’t the ignominy of exile purge;

’T was no foreign foe but Greed’s heady brew That made Napoleon meet his Waterloo ***

They never did listen, they never heard

The trumpet call of the saints’ word; Philosophy of Love revealed divine Meant nothing to them: ‘twas pearls before swine


From dark ages past to these present times, History littered with tyrants bloody crimes Death ’lone would despots tragic states reveal:

They were butterfly wings crushed on Greed’s wheel


But Greed’s not the vice of tyrants alone Both ruled and ruler its evils condone

All men equally prostrate ere its throne

In a lifetime of worship that good disown ***

From the womb to the tomb all mighty Greed Prods them ecstatic, providing each need In return for which they barter their souls And, like Faustus, want more when the bell tolls


Sating want by want but still unsated They wonder why they are yet frustrated Truth will out, if they could their greed repent That the richest man’s the one who’s content ***

Of all the damning seven deadly sins Greed’s the deadliest for the ruin it wrings Man’s disobedien­ce, original sin

From inherent desire they both did spring ***

Jesus Christ’s sermon on the Sinai Mount Exhorted the faithful to greed surmount Cast ye riches to enter heaven’s door

Or fore’er be damned burning in hell’s woe ***

The Buddha’s profound Four Noble Truths expound

How desire’s deep well is Suffering’s fount Life’s every grief, its contagion does breed Desire run amok spawns sorrow’s seed ***

For ‘thanha’ binds man to samsara’s wheel To that karmic law that’s beyond repeal: Thus did the Buddha hold Sorrow’s anvil

To be that of Greed: the root of evil

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