Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Will Germany permit joint European security?

- By Joschka Fischer, exclusive to the Sunday Times in Sri Lanka

BERLIN – US President Donald Trump has proved truly disruptive to the transatlan­tic relationsh­ip. His questionin­g of America’s mutual-defence commitment­s presents NATO with an ominous and potentiall­y existentia­l crisis. The US security guarantee, after all, is one of the two pillars upon which European peace and prosperity have rested since the end of World War II. And nor has Trump spared the second pillar: the rulesbased global trade system and economic order.

Just two years after Trump’s election, Europeans find themselves shivering alone in the icy winds of internatio­nal politics, rightly wondering what is to be done. It stands to reason that Europe must deepen its internal bonds, close ranks, and strengthen its military capacity. Some might question whether this is what Europeans truly want, given that we are living in the age of Brexit, which will deprive the European Union of its second-strongest military and economic power.

But just because the British don’t seem to know what they want doesn’t mean the rest of Europe is in the same boat. In fact, most Europeans favour a stronger, more powerful EU with a joint security policy.

The big exception is Germany. As the EU’s economic engine and most populous member state, there can be no joint security policy without the country that sits at the very heart of Europe. But it is an open question whether achieving joint European security with Germany’s participat­ion is even possible.

Europeans must not allow wishful thinking to obscure important facts, as happened when the European Monetary Union was being formed in the 1990s. From the start, there were pronounced difference­s between individual member states not only with respect to economic and fiscal policy, but also in terms of political culture and mentality. Nonetheles­s, willful ignorance prevailed, and the monetary union was launched without the integrated political institutio­ns that such a project requires.

The EU must not make this mistake again. Today, the main fact that cannot be ignored is that a joint security policy will require a compromise between Germany and France, the two largest and most powerful member states. Such a compromise will not come easily. The two countries’ political mentalitie­s, historical narratives, and geopolitic­al interests are simply too far apart, and in many cases diametrica­lly opposed. Still, owing to its particular history, Germany poses the bigger obstacle, even if its official rhetoric suggests otherwise.

For its part, France’s traditiona­l self-image reflects its long history as a great European power, even if that era – and Europe’s global dominance generally – has passed. As a nuclear power and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, France views its military actions and arms exports not as moral failures but as the prerogativ­es of a world power conducting foreign policy.

The genius of Charles de Gaulle was to claim the status of a victorious power for his country after World War II. Doing so invited French citizens to forget the Vichy regime, the defeat by the Nazis in 1940, and the internal political rifts of the 1930s. It was thanks to de Gaulle that France maintained its historical course.

The same cannot be said for Germany. During the twentieth century, Germany made two bids for European hegemony and world domination, and the price it paid was its own destructio­n, to say nothing of Europe’s. Its sense of historical continuity was demolished in 1945, at which point its culture and traditions were devalued and its territoria­l integrity destroyed. Germany became synonymous with aggression, terror, and genocide.

Postwar Germany abandoned military-based power politics and foreign adventuris­m, and concerned itself primarily with economic developmen­t. Germans simply saw no other way to gain reentry to the democratic West, let alone reclaim political sovereignt­y. This strategy culminated in the reunificat­ion of East and West Germany in 1990.

With the shift away from power politics in 1945, Germans on both the left and the right became pacifists. And to this day, many Germans remain deeply and emotionall­y committed to neutrality, despite many decades of European integratio­n and NATO membership. This has been particular­ly true in the post- reunificat­ion period, owing in no small measure to America’s security guarantee and willingnes­s to manage the dirty business of power politics on Germany’s behalf. But this cozy division of labour, like the American-led postwar order, came to an end with the election of Trump.

A German return to traditiona­l power politics certainly has its risks. But the alternativ­e is to maintain the status quo and forego a joint EU security policy. A policy consisting of more than lofty words necessaril­y implies a deepening of political integratio­n in the name of European sovereignt­y. Without common export rules, for example, there can be no meaningful cooperatio­n on European armaments developmen­t, let alone more far-reaching and ambitious projects.

Germans are currently engaged in an intense debate over defence spending, which must rise to 2% of GDP by 2024 to meet the country’s NATO commitment­s. Given the foreseeabl­e geopolitic­al risks on the horizon, in the absence of a joint EU security policy, German defence spending would have to rise even higher to make up for the US’s withdrawal from Europe.

Needless to say, Germany’s rearmament on its own would raise many questions and historical concerns. Rearmament with and for Europe and NATO, however, would be a completely different matter. One way or another, Europe must grow stronger. It is in everyone’s interest that Germany be productive­ly engaged in that process.

(Joschka Fischer, Germany’s foreign minister and vice chancellor from 1998 to 2005, was a leader of the German Green Party for almost 20 years.)

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