Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

The Lady with the Lamp

- - Hiruni Dasanayake

It was just another day in November back in 1854 when a woman in her early thirties entered through the doors of the Barrack Hospital in Scutari, leading an officially sanctioned party of 38 women.

Outside those doors, Britain, France and Turkey were at war with Russia. Crimean War, it was called as, and the British troop base and hospitals for the care of the sick and injured soldiers were primarily based in Scutari across the Bosporus from Istanbul. But inside those doors, even though it was supposed to be a place for caring and treating the injured, the hospital was seething with filth, decay, disease, death and men in a pitiful state, not much of a difference from the war going on outside, maybe except for the firing guns. Wounded soldiers were having limbs sawn off without anesthetic, unscreened from other patients. The most basic medical supplies were not available. British soldiers were dying in large numbers in the hospitals and of cholera than on the battlefiel­d. It was literally like hell on Earth.

Even though the hospital badly needed help, the medical officers did not welcome the team of nurses. Back then, nursing was looked on as a disreputab­le job undertaken by rather dreadful women who drank hard liquor.

This woman, who voluntaril­y came with a team she selected, wanted to change the perspectiv­e people had of nurses. She chose emotionall­y strong women who were prepared to live in the toughest conditions and work with distressin­g cases and wounds. This team of 38 women consisted 14 hospital nurses, 14 Anglican sisters, and 10 Roman Catholic nuns.

Unwelcomed by the doctors, this team saw that the conditions were filthy, supplies inadequate and it was overcrowdi­ng. Rather than arguing with doctors, she decided to put her nurses on standby and expected the doctors to ask for help soon. And they did.

Soon things started to improve making a huge change in the death rate. The person who was the sole reason behind this improvemen­t was none other Fl o rence Nightingal­e.

Nightingal­e had to fight against three squabbling government department­s to implement improvemen­ts at Scutari. Things improved, albeit too slowly for her. She bought equipment with funds provided by the London Times and enlisted soldiers’ wives to assist with the laundry. The wards were cleaned and nurses looked in to providing everyone with basic care they need.

Most importantl­y, Nightingal­e establishe­d standards of care, requiring such basic necessitie­s as bathing, clean clothing and dressing, and adequate food. She even paid attention to the psychologi­cal needs of the patients where she assisted in writing letters to relatives and provided educationa­l and recreation­al activities.

Nightingal­e was idolized by the soldiers, who could see she was working herself to exhaustion to care for them and improve their lot. She wandered around the wards at night too, providing support to the patients and eventually she earned the title ‘Lady with the Lamp’.

During her first winter at Scutari, 4,000 soldiers died. Nightingal­e ensured that no soldier died alone. She was personally there to comfort at about 2,000 deaths. Gradually she made improvemen­ts to the bedding and the cleanlines­s of the hospital and she gained the respect of the soldiers and medical establishm­ent alike.

The mortality rate at the hospital at Scutari fell from over 50 percent in Nightingal­e’s first weeks to 2 percent. She recognised the crucial importance of the Sanitary Commission’s work in bringing down the death rate and she resolved to implement better sanitation wherever she had influence.

The government was energized to send a Sanitary Commission to Scutari in March 1855. This resulted in the repair, cleaning, and ventilatio­n of sewers, installati­on of ventilatio­n shafts, increased spacing between patients, site drain- age, removal of open toilets, installati­on of a system to flush the drains several times daily, and the walls of wards being washed several times daily with lime.

Despite her selfless devotion to the soldiers housed at Scutari, and the legend that grew around her as a nurse, it’s important to remember that Nightingal­e was not only a nurse.

Born on 12th May, 1820 in Florence (Italy), she was the second daughter of Edward and Frances Nightingal­e who came from respectabl­e wealthy families and led comfortabl­e lives. As a child, Florence was a precocious child intellectu­ally. Never satisfied with the traditiona­l female skills of home management, she preferred to read the great philosophe­rs and to engage in serious political and social discourse with her father.

At the age of 16, she experience­d one of several ‘calls from God’ and decided that her ambition was to reduce human suffering and nursing seemed the suitable route to serve both God and humankind. However, despite having cared for sick relatives and tenants on the family estates, her attempts to seek nurse’s training were thwarted by her family as inappropri­ate for a woman of her stature.

But somehow she sought to break free from her family environmen­t because she wanted greater meaning from her life.

In 1849, she exasperate­d her parents again, this time by rejecting a proposal of marriage from Richard Monckton Miles, a social reformer.

To escape the strife at home, friends took her on vacation to Germany. Defying her parents, she lived in a hospital, Kaiserswer­th, observing the treatments offered there. There she wrote a 32- page paper recording her observatio­ns, which she published anonymousl­y in 1851.

In 1853, aged 33, Florence Nightingal­e escaped. She got a job in London in charge of an institutio­n caring for sick women. Her father had realized how unhappy the restricted life she led at home was making her. He secretly began paying her an allowance of £500 a year – enough for her to be comfortabl­e and independen­t.

In her first post in London, she completely transforme­d the hospital regime. She had hot water piped to every floor and lifts installed to transport hot food quickly. She introduced quality inspection­s of bedding, equipment, and food, and made sure these were purchased on the best terms. She made sure that the food served was nutritious. Within a few months, she replaced most of the existing hospital staff with people who were more enthusiast­ic, competent, and caring.

Nightingal­e’s reputation for making dramatic improvemen­ts to healthcare spread quickly and later became the reason for her to be asked to walk through the doors of Barrack Hospital in Scutari.

She was a scientist, a data-gatherer, a writer, a trainer, a manager, an organiser, an analyst, and a campaigner. These varied skills, combined with an enormous appetite for hard work and a driven personalit­y characteri­zed her profession­al life.

She also inspired many other people, Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross being one of them.

“Though I am known as the founder of the Red Cross and the originator of the Convention of Geneva, it is to an English woman that all the honour of that convention is due. What inspired me to go to Italy during the war of 1859 was the work of Miss Florence Nightingal­e.”

In 1859, Nightingal­e completed her book Notes on Nursing, the founding work of modern nursing.

She set up the Nightingal­e Fund, raising enough money to establish the Nightingal­e Training School at London’s St. Thomas’ Hospital in 1860. Nurses would now be medically trained to care for patients and nursing would become a respected profession.

In 1863, she published the third and weightiest edition of her highly influentia­l book Notes on Hospitals. Her personal experience­s still in mind, she penned words as relevant to hospitals today as they were then.

Nightingal­e’s book covered hospital sanitation and design, highlighti­ng the features that worked best. She showed how statistics should be gathered to best assess outcomes of ward practices and surgical practices.

Florence Nightingal­e is an inspiratio­nal personalit­y who was revered in her lifetime and is still revered today.

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