Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

"All around us chaos and madness"


Aiyo Sirisena,

It has been a while since I wrote to you last, but I thought I must write to you again, especially when we heard that you were quite annoyed about what was happening around you, with everyone trying to blame you for what happened on Easter Sunday – and apparently for what did not happen before that.

This is all because a committee in Parliament is conducting its own inquiry into what happened on Easter Sunday. From what we have seen and heard at that committee, one after the other, every witness is giving evidence that points the finger firmly at you. So naturally, you are very angry.

Why, there was that chap who was supposed to be in charge of our intelligen­ce services. He turned up at the committee and said that meetings of the National Security Council were not held for about two months before the Easter attacks, since February, when they were supposed to be held every week.

Was that because you were busy gallivanti­ng around the world – I am told you are in Tajikistan now – or were you angry with the Security Council too, and told them that you wouldn’t conduct any meetings unless they did what you told them to – just like what you are doing with the Cabinet now?

We also had a former Defence Secretary tell this committee that even though he had that job, he spent hours trying to meet you. When he did, you nodded and said you knew about what was going on. He said he was an ‘ asarana’ Defence Secretary, unlike Gota, who was an unofficial Defence Minister!

Of course, we have to take what he says with a pinch of salt, because this is the same chap who told the media after the Easter attacks that he knew that some attacks were being planned, but he did not know that they would be so devastatin­g. Still, he was not very compliment­ary about you!

Last but not least, we had the ‘interdicte­d’ Police Chief giving the most damning evidence to the committee. He claims that you told him to take the blame for the attacks and resign, and that if he did so, he would be made an ambassador, but if he did not, he would lose his job and pension.

Something similar happened during Mahinda maama’s time when the then Police boss, another Mahinda, took the blame for what happened at Rathupaswa­la and resigned. He was later appointed our ambassador to Brazil, but he didn’t say that he was threatened like our current IGP does!

I am not sure what exactly happened between you and the IGP, but I think if you are having a difference of opinion with him, you have chosen the wrong man to have a fight with. He hasn’t resigned, you cannot sack him and he has gone to courts now – where he is likely to say even more!

With all these details coming out in public, Aiyo Sirisena, we can understand why you are angry about this committee in Parliament. We, too, are trying to figure out who we should believe. If we are to believe you, that would mean that each and every one of these people are lying under oath!

Like any kindergart­en child would, you have made your anger known. You threatened not to conduct the affairs of government by not having Cabinet meetings. You have even threatened not to allow other officials to give evidence before this committee. I agree, you have to do some damage control!

However, I am just wondering, Aiyo Sirisena, where that would lead our country. There would be no Cabinet meetings and no decisions would be taken, which would mean that the government would cease to function. Some are asking whether that would be any different to what is happening now!

I am not sure whether you realise this, Aiyo Sirisena, but even a grama sevaka cannot say ‘I am angry with you, so I am not doing my job,’ to the people he has to serve. What might be good for all of us, is not for you to just walk away, but to do the bare minimum and allow others to do their jobs properly!

By also asking officials not to give evidence before this committee, you are trying to pick another fight with Parliament, Aiyo Sirisena. The last time that happened was when you tried to fire the Green Man and dissolve Parliament, and ended up with egg all over your face because it was unconstitu­tional!

Whether you like it or not, your days are numbered now because Maco has told us that the big election must be held by December. From what we can see and hear, most people are now counting those days because it cannot come sooner for them. Think about all of this, will you, Aiyo Sirisena?

Yours truly,

Punchi Putha

PS: We heard that you want to ban all carpentry workshops as soon as possible. Is it because you know that you will never get to form another cabinet, Aiyo Sirisena?

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