Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

India and Pakistan in social media dogfight before cricket clash

- (Courtesy The Guardian, UK)

India and Pakistan have had tempestuou­s relations since their birth as independen­t states. There have been wars, skirmishes, bad-natured exchanges, and prolonged diplomatic standoffs.

Before their clash this weekend at the Cricket World Cup, this simmering neighbourl­y conflict has spilled into social media and TV advertisin­g.

A Pakistani channel has produced a tongue-incheek advert poking fun at the Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman, who was shot down in February during the first publicly acknowledg­ed dogfight between the two countries in 48 years.

During his time in Pakistani captivity Varthaman was interrogat­ed while drinking a cup of tea. The official government video shows him politely refusing to answer questions, with the words: “I’m sorry, major, I’m not supposed to tell you this.” He praises the beverage as “fantastic”.

In the ad, an actor wearing a blue Indian cricket top and sporting Varthaman’s distinctiv­e gun- slinger moustache recreates the scene. The spoof pilot is invited to go. As he walks off, he is told to leave the cup behind. The hashtag #LetsBringT­heCupHome flashes across the screen.

Many Indians have taken a dim view of the spoof, describing it on Twitter variously as mocking, cheap, abominable, degrading and racist. Indian newspapers and websites have reported extensivel­y on the row. Some Indian cricket fans have responded with teacup memes.

Not everyone has been indignant, though. The Indian tennis player Sania Mirza suggested both sides should get a little perspectiv­e on what is, after all, a sporting event. She tweeted: “Cringewort­hy ads on both sides of the border seriously guys, you don’t need to ‘hype up’ or market the match anymore specially with rubbish! It has ENOUGH attention already! It’s only cricket for God sake, and if you think it’s anymore than that then get a grip or get a life!!”

Pakistan will play India at Old Trafford on Sunday in the hugely anticipate­d match. Thousands of rival supporters are expected to pack the ground in Manchester, and hundreds of millions more will be glued to the game on TV on the subcontine­nt.

 ??  ?? An actor spoofs Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman
An actor spoofs Indian pilot Abhinandan Varthaman

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