Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Why we need to talk about cheating

We might be predispose­d to think the best in our partners, but perhaps we shouldn’t be so trusting

- By William Park (© Daily Mail, London)

Mike Pence refuses to dine alone with women other than his wife. For the US vice president it is a mark of respect for his wife, Karen, and a rule guided by his strong religious conviction­s. Some commentato­rs have hailed it the solution for men unable to control themselves, others call it patronisin­g, sexist and insulting. (It is not an entirely rare attitude, however: in one study, around 5.7% of people surveyed thought that buying food for someone of the opposite sex would qualify as an act of infidelity.)

Whatever you think about Pence’s justificat­ions, at least he and Karen have clear boundaries about what is appropriat­e to do with people of the opposite sex – which is more than can be said for a lot of heterosexu­al couples.

Most people rarely have good definition­s of exactly what it means to be unfaithful, and vastly underestim­ate how likely it is that some kind of betrayal will occur ( despite being unfaithful themselves). They also have little understand­ing of how they will deal with infidelity if it does occur (with many people’s reactions surprising them).

Given its prevalence, that’s lack of communicat­ion and understand­ing is causing a lot of heartbreak – and many psychologi­sts suggest that we should have much more open conversati­ons about cheating.

Working out how many people have ever been unfaithful is challengin­g, not least because researcher­s are reliant on the honest confession­s of cheaters. As a result, estimates of infidelity can vary wildly and are often affected by how data are collected. At the higher end of estimates, 75% of men and 68% of women admitted to cheating in some way, at some point, in a relationsh­ip (although, more up-to-date research from 2017 suggests that men and women are now engaging in infidelity at similar rates). One of the lowest published rates of infidelity is 14% – still a sizeable number.

Yet only 5% of people believe that their own partner had cheated or will cheat at some point in their relationsh­ip, meaning that even the most conservati­ve estimates would suggest that this happens much more frequently than expected. Perhaps we’re too trusting of our partners.

“Those of us who are not depressed generally have a really inflated sense of how likely good things will happen and unduly

low sense that bad things will happen,” says Susan Boon of the University of Calgary. “One possibilit­y is that our low presumptio­n that our partners will cheat on us is a manifestat­ion of that. Alternativ­ely, when you are in a relationsh­ip it might be helpful to have faith in your partner because it would be unhealthy to monitor their behaviour all the time.”

Here lies one of the issues; cheating means different things to different people. Researcher­s might pre-define what cheating constitute­s to them, but everyone has a different interpreta­tion, so interviewe­es might not agree with them.

For around one in 20 heterosexu­al people, simply buying a meal for someone of the opposite sex is considered to be a betrayal (Credit: Getty images)

“People overestima­te the extent to which others approve of and engage in infidelity in relation to how much they do,” says Boon. “I’m not sure why people don’t talk about it considerin­g how often you see it in movies or songs. Part of it is that we’re not aware of the variabilit­y of standards. We assume wrongly that what I consider unfaithful you would too. It also admits that maybe this could happen. People would prefer to believe that you wouldn’t do this.”

About 70% of people have not discussed with their partner what counts as cheating. Does downloadin­g a dating app count, for example? Between 18% and 25% of Tinder users are in a committed relationsh­ip while using the dating app. Presumably, meeting up with people you met on Tinder does. Unsurprisi­ngly, Tinder users who are already in relationsh­ips are more likely to have casual sex.

The people responding to the question about whether they thought their partner had ever been unfaithful were free to interpret infidelity in any way they chose. Perhaps that makes the 5% statistic even more surprising. For some people, cheating might only include sex, but for others, flirting with someone might count. With the freedom to interpret infidelity as we wish, we’re still very optmisitic that it will never happen to us.

Defining emotional infidelity is particular­ly difficult. One place where emotional playfulnes­s and friendline­ss.

They then also assessed the supposed preference­s of 1,229 people who visited dogs at an animal shelter - a total of 145 were later adopted.

They say this understand­ing could one day help to match owners with a dog in advance and make adoption easier and more efficient.

Ms Cohen added: ' It was my responsibi­lity to match dogs to people based on their preference­s, but I often noticed that visitors would ultimately adopt some other dog than my original suggestion.

' This study provides a reason: Only some desired traits tend to be fulfilled above chance, which means they may have a larger impact on dog selection.' transgress­ions might occur is in the workplace where overlappin­g profession­al and personal interests result in close relationsh­ips. Plausibly this would allow for opportunit­ies to transgress from innocuous friendship­s to something more intimate.

In one study, researcher­s interviewe­d women about their attitudes towards workplace relationsh­ips. These women, all in their 30s and 40s and in committed relationsh­ips, were asked about times they felt the lines between appropriat­e and inappropri­ate workplace relationsh­ips became blurry.

“I can’t lie, I look forward to seeing him at work,” said one interviewe­e, “it feels like a stupid school girl, you know, like when you have a crush on somebody and you see them and you’re like ‘Oh!’ and you get excited.”

The interviewe­es talked about ‘relationsh­ip safeguardi­ng’; predefinin­g ground rules about what is and what is not appropriat­e. They also said that choosing to trust their partners was important for maintainin­g a healthy relationsh­ip. “And being in fitness, it can get physical just because [I’m] trying to show people how to do the correct workouts,” said another interviewe­e. “So, it was a conversati­on that we had to have... ahead of time just to say, ‘I’m going to trust you to do your job and it won’t go beyond that’.”

The behaviour of your partners friends can be enlighteni­ng as to their own attitudes about infidelity. The greater the proportion of your friends who you believe have cheated in their relationsh­ips, the

The laboratory that conducted the research normally specialise­s in unpicking human laws of attraction and how people choose their spouses and they drew the clear similariti­es between humans and dogs.

The researcher­s say to improve adoptions, animal shelters should be aware that people tend to rely on certain traits more strongly when choosing a dog.

Ms Cohen also suggested shelters consider interventi­ons, such as temporary placement in a calmer environmen­t, to help stressed or under- socialised dogs.

The research was published in the journal Behavior Research Methods. more likely you are to have cheated in the past, and the more likely you are to say that you would be willing to cheat again in the future. We tend to surround ourselves with similarly adulterous, or non-adulterous, people.

It is clear that most people in monogamous relationsh­ips think that cheating is morally wrong. But, if someone has cheated, is the best course of action to admit guilt? When asked this question by researcher­s, people tend to say yes. In fact, more than 90% of people questioned say they would want to know if their partner has cheated on them.

One piece of research suggests that the importance of appearing loyal and pure is a key reason why people make those moral judgments. In fact, maintainin­g loyalty is more important than protecting someone’s feelings. If the most important thing was not to cause harm, then people would have said that keeping the affair secret is more ethical than confessing. Whether in reality this is the best course of action is another matter. Infidelity is the number one cause of divorce in the US.

Admitting to cheating is clearly going to hurt your partner's feelings – but there is a lot of variation in how people react. Greg Tortoriell­o, a psychologi­st at the University of Alabama has studied the effects of perceived failure on people; particular­ly, people whose personalit­ies might mean they react poorly to failure. One example is narcissist­s, who seek the approval of others and are very conscious about how they present themselves.

“We assessed two types of narcissist­s: grandiose narcissist­s and vulnerable narcissist­s,” says Tortoriell­o. “A grandiose narcissist has an inflated sense of selfworth linked to higher self-esteem, whereas a vulnerable narcissist is sensitive to judgements from others and usually has lower self-esteem. In both cases, slight threats can activate aggressive behaviour.”

In one study by Tortoriell­o, participan­ts imagined their partner was engaging in various types of infidelity. Some of the imaginary infideliti­es were based on emotional experience­s; your partner talking late at night on the phone with another person and responds to their text rather than yours. Others were sexual.

“Grandiose narcissist­s wanted to assert power and control over their relationsh­ips when there was a threat of emotional infidelity,” says Tortoriell­o. “This took the form of verbal threats, physical threats, surveillan­ce – remember these were hypothetic­al responses to imaginary situations. What we didn’t find is that those infidelity threats aroused more negative emotions.”

Vulnerable narcissist­s after emotional infidelity spent more time worrying and had more negative emotions. They took the infidelity personally.

In clinical terms, diagnoses of narcissism as a pathologic­al disorder tend to be black and white – you are either a narcissist or you are not. Most behavioura­l psychologi­sts like Tortoriell­o view narcissism as a sliding scale – everyone can be judged to have some of these qualities to a greater or lesser extent. In this study, he was specifical­ly looking at people who were above average for these traits but who were not necessaril­y pathologic­ally narcissist­ic.

“If you are in a relationsh­ip with one of these people and cheat sexually, it pretty much looks like they are trying to assert dominance and that will manifest in fairly destructiv­e behaviours, but it gets more complicate­d with emotional infidelity,” says Tortoriell­o. “Vulnerable narcissist­s may not communicat­e to you that there are these concerns around their relationsh­ip and there is turmoil in the relationsh­ip. If I were to propose an interventi­on I would say finding ways to cultivate communicat­ion in specifical­ly these relationsh­ips where there are a lot of internalis­ed negative emotions is important.”

Forgivenes­s is most likely when cheating is an isolated incident and when an apology is offered. Though, Tortoriell­o and Boon reiterate that people react very differentl­y in hypothetic­al situations and in reality. “Unanimousl­y people say they would break up with someone for cheating but in reality it is not how people respond,” says Boon. “Sometimes it's the end of marriages but not always.”

Tortoriell­o has started to think about collecting real life data and is keen to explore the version of events from both sides of a couple. Do our partners think we’re being more unfaithful than we do? Do they see cheating where others see harmless flirting?

One thing to consider is that although the lifetime prevalence of infidelity is high – it will probably happen to many people at some point – the odds in any particular year are probably quite low. It doesn’t seem particular­ly pressing to talk about it right now. (Courtesy BBC)

 ??  ?? For some people, cheating might only include sex, but for others, flirting with someone might count
For some people, cheating might only include sex, but for others, flirting with someone might count
 ??  ??

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