Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Cancer drugs could be delivered directly to tumours using sound waves

- By Sam Blanchard - ©Daily Mail, London

Scientists say they can now use sound waves and air bubbles to deliver toxic cancer drugs directly to tumours.

The bizarre- sounding technique relies on a machine which can manouevre tiny bubbles using energy from sound waves.

Drugs are packaged in the bubbles and then guided through the body using vibrations until they arrive at the site of the cancer and the bubbles are popped.

The therapy could make it easier for doctors to watch drugs' progress through the body and to avoid side effects which come from medication­s affecting healthy tissue outside of their targets.

Researcher­s from the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) said they had successful­ly tested the technique on tubes inserted into pig flesh.

The 'acoustic tweezers', as they are known, could be used without the danger of any negative effects on the patient's body, the scientists claimed.

They are controlled by ultrasound machines which convert electricit­y into sound wave energy – tiny, ultrafast vibrations which ripple through the air.

The bubbles – which are less than 10 micrometre­s across, about 13 per cent of the width of a human hair – could be driven around by these vibrations in a similar way to how magnets can control pieces of metal even through other materials.

And when they arrived at the correct location the same acoustic waves could be used to burst the bubble and release the drug into the surroundin­g flesh.

'In convention­al drug delivery, tissue is examined [ outside of the body] under the microscope, or radioactiv­e materials are used to trace drugs [on the inside],' said the author of the research, Dr Xuejun Qian.

'We propose a new way to image and move the drug precisely inside the human body by combining the new plane wave imaging method with a focused ultrasound transducer.'

As well as moving the bubbles around, Dr Qian's team said they could also track the movement of them using ultrasound.

This has been tried in the past but hasn't been very accurate

because of background noise, Dr Qian and his team say they have managed to reduce this to make it more sensitive.

Currently medics rely on taking tissue samples or using radioactiv­e trackers in order to watch a medication's movement through the body, and they generally cannot control where it goes once it's inside a patient.

This could pave the way for more accurate delivery, potentiall­y making drugs more effective and therefore lower doses needed.

The researcher­s suggested cancer drugs such as chemothera­py could be ideal targets because they have a specific destinatio­n and are harmful if they end up in the wrong places.

Gene therapy could be another target, in which treatments need to be targeted at a specific group of cells – those in the lungs of a cystic fibrosis patient, for example.

Dr Qian and his colleagues next hope to test them on animals.

He said: 'We want to try in vivo studies on rat or rabbit to see whether the proposed method can monitor and release microbubbl­e-based drug delivery in a real body.

' We hope to further improve the imaging resolution, sensitivit­y and speed within a real case, and if it works, the long-term goal would be to move towards a human study.'

The team published their work in the journal Applied Physics Letters.

 ??  ?? Drugs are injected into the body inside bubbles and are then manouevred through the bloodstrea­m using ultrasonic vibrations to make sure they end up in the right place. (MailOnline)
Drugs are injected into the body inside bubbles and are then manouevred through the bloodstrea­m using ultrasonic vibrations to make sure they end up in the right place. (MailOnline)

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