Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)




COVID-19 took most of us off-guard. After all, it wasn’t something that anyone could’ve predicted. The global economy shutdown affected every business you can think of. This impacted my business as well.

The first thing we should do is not to wallow in our misery. Yes, times are tough and we don’t know what will happen in the future. But we will get over this and when we do, we need to be prepared more than ever. If you look outside, you’ll realize that the only active economy right now is e-commerce. From facemasks to vegetables and fish, we are buying everything online.

Going forward, more Sri Lankans will turn to online purchasing. This will force retailers to find ways to cater to the growing online consumers. Those who won’t adapt will eventually disappear. The long-predicted e-commerce boom in Sri Lanka will happen after COVID-19.

Some business owners have stopped their entire operations out of guilt. While the entire country is suffering, should you sell and make money? My answer is, yes you should.

Now more than ever, we need businesses to make money. If not, your employees will suffer and their families will suffer. Not only that, your suppliers and other third party stakeholde­rs will suffer along with their families.

The Sri Lankan economy doesn’t need more companies to cut down salaries and lay off employees. That’s why it’s crucial to make money during this crisis.

Aren’t you grateful that most essential services kept going during the crisis? If it wasn’t for them, you wouldn’t have anything to eat.

If you’re a business owner, the last thing you should do is stop selling. Figure out different ways to sell your products and services. You may have to offer discounts. You may have to adapt to online sales. You may have to change your offering. But don’t stop selling.

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