Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Soon, the whole of Sri Lanka will cry out, ‘we can’t breathe’


When the head of Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church asks in entirely inappropri­ate language as to whether Maithripal­a Sirisena, a former President of Sri Lanka is ‘wearing clothes’ when making statements regarding his responsibi­lity as Head of State when Islamist jihadists struck on Easter Sunday in 2019, the good Cardinal must be apprised of several home truths.

‘Deep state capture’ of civilian rule

First, state failures and investigat­ions therein into how and why these attacks took place do not happen in a vacuum. The former President, who has incurred the peculiar ire of the Catholic prelate over pronounced failures when holding high state office at the time, certainly should answer for the same. However, it is a grave mistake to proceed on the basis that all responsibi­lity begins and ends there. What happened on that fateful day two years ago transcende­d the grievous loss of life. As profoundly as the impact that the attacks had on the lives of innocents butchered when they were praying in churches or celebratin­g the holy day at Easter Sunday bre a k f ast in Colombo’s hotels, this barbarity had greater long lasting effect.

It precipitat­ed state and political structures into the eagerly awaiting arms of the ‘deep state’ of militarise­d command. One might say with excellent reason that this ‘state capture’ was precisely the objective of the attacks. Predictabl­y that deeply regressive transforma­tion was enabled by the visceral fear that had gripped the public mind regarding the security of the nation. Indeed, that fear surpassed the trials of civil and ethnic conflict that this country had experience­d for more than four decades but which the people had learnt to face with dull resignatio­n if not with equanimity.

This was a new horror that came upon the populace, caught pitifully unawares and defenceles­s. Rightly (at one level), the criminal negligence of the impossibly infantile Sirisena-Wickremesi­nghe coalition Government was pinpointed as the main cause. Its eternal quarrels, the ignoring of unmistakab­le signs from the East that jihadism was poisonousl­y spouting in the open, its appeasemen­t of Muslim ministers who were using fundamenta­lism as their political message were a toxic combinatio­n. Islamist training camps flourished in bustling towns to the (apparent) ignorance of those around.

Great irony in calling for justice for the Easter Sunday victims

Even so and from a broader perspectiv­e, it is not only the former President or for that matter, the former Prime Minister and his merry Ministers who grinned at press conference­s in the immediate aftermath of the attacks who must be put in the dock for this failure of accountabi­lity. As we can see from what has transpired since then, the problem goes to the State as a whole irrespecti­ve of which individual holds power at a given time. The dance that has taken place from 2019 with numerous Parliament­ary committees and Presidenti­al Commission­s of Inquiry on what should have been first and foremost, the focus of a dedicated and ruthlessly effective criminal investigat­ion tells us this if not anything else.

Consequent­ly there is little point in the tired explanatio­n that it is the Attorney General and not the Government that decides the progress of a criminal inquiry to apprehend the ‘culprits’ as referred to by the Catholic Archdioces­e in its March 29th statement. Thus, secondly and most importantl­y, the Cardinal must understand the great irony in the Archdioces­e calling for politician­s ‘ to refrain from any action that might hamper the independen­t and free implementa­tion of the judicial process’ in regard to the Easter Sunday attacks.

To the contrary, all the evidence that we have seen in the functionin­g of this Government is exactly the opposite. Was it not a complete interferen­ce with the legal process when a Commission of Inquiry ostensibly establishe­d to probe political victimisat­ion, intervened into ongoing cases in courts of law hearing human rights violations? These included, as must be recalled, the abduction and killing of Tamil and Muslim children and teenagers with state complicity in the postwar years in Sri Lanka. To be clear, that was as much a heinous crime after all, as the brutal killing of Catholics and Christians on Easter Sunday.

The Christian call for justice should not be selective

Can the Catholic Church close its eyes to these atrocities and selectivel­y call for justice? Was this the example that Jesus Christ set by his life and by his passionate­ly redemptive death which was for all humanity and not a chosen few? Above all, a state structure that has faltered in bringing about accountabi­lity for grave human rights abuses targeting civilians and indeed, in some notable cases, have been complicit if not instigator­y in the same, cannot be (miraculous­ly) expected to perform to bring about justice for the atrocity of Easter Sunday 2019.

Rather, what this has done and will potentiall­y do is to tighten space for civil liberties to the extent that all of Sri Lanka will soon cry out, as George Floyd did when an American policeman was kneeling on his neck in Minnesota last year, ‘ we can’t breathe.’ Already, the arrests that have taken place purportedl­y as part of these criminal investigat­ions are bereft of minimum safeguards, including the arrest of a Muslim lawyer held for months absent proper charges and effective legal counsel. And earlier this month, the Government announced that it will, in pursuance of recommenda­tions in the report of the Presidenti­al Commission of Inquiry into the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks, bring a new counter-terrorism law.

Such a proposal is reason for acute apprehensi­on. This is a Government which sees no problem with gazetting ‘deradicali­sation’ regulation­s that are prima facie contrary to constituti­onal and legal standards governing the deprivatio­n of liberty. The Penal Code, the Internatio­nal Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Act, (a travesty of a renowned internatio­nal legal instrument) and the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) are relentessl­y used to carry out arbitrary arrests and detentions. In this scenario, any counter-terror law must be viewed with utmost critical scrutiny.

Radicalisa­tion as the justificat­ion for oppression

For some reason, this notificati­on was made by the Tourism Minister which is yet another manifestat­ion of a Government which seems to be wandering around distraught like the proverbial headless chicken, apt to seize on any distractio­n to serve its purpose. And therein lies the danger. Among the most recent arrests this week is a photojourn­alist covering demonstrat­ions by health workers and most bizarrely, the Mayor of Jaffna who has apparently been arrested for prescribin­g blue uniforms for his staff. The reason for the arrest is reportedly that they resemble the uniforms worn by the now defunct ‘police’ units of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

But the commonsens­ical question is, why not deal with this act (if it needed to be dealt with) administra­tively? Are we in some surreal land that arrests will soon be forthcomin­g for breathing, talking and living? So the Cardinal who speaks on behalf of his flock may well be advised not to indulge in unChristia­n language but to recognise the failure of the State for what it is. The trials and tribulatio­ns of all those who suffered following the attacks on Easter Sunday exactly two years ago mirrors the same helplessne­ss and agony of countless others in this country.

It is only when that common collectivi­ty of anguish is recognised and acted upon, that we will see the behemoth of the State moving in response. Until then, stirring calls for justice and stern vows that retributio­n will follow if accountabi­lity does not ensue by Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church is good fodder for television entertainm­ent.

Sadly however, its impact will stop there.

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