Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Covid origin: Why Wuhan lab leak theory is taken seriously


Nearly a year and a half since Covid-19 was detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the question of how the virus first emerged remains a mystery. But in recent weeks the controvers­ial claim that the pandemic might have leaked from a Chinese laboratory - once dismissed by many as a fringe conspiracy theory - has been gaining traction.

Now, US President Joe Biden has announced an urgent investigat­ion that will look into the theory as a possible origin of the disease.

So what do we know about the competing theories - and why does the debate matter?

What is the lab-leak theory?

It's a suspicion that the coronaviru­s may have escaped, accidental­ly or otherwise, from a laboratory in the central Chinese city of Wuhan where the virus was first recorded.

Its supporters point to the presence of a major biological research facility in the city. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) has been studying coronaviru­ses in bats for over a decade. The laboratory is located just a few kilometres from the Huanan wet market where the first cluster of infections emerged in Wuhan.

Those who support the theory say it could have leaked from this facility and spread to the wet market. Most argue it would have been an unaltered virus collected from the wild, rather than engineered. The controvers­ial theory first emerged early on in the pandemic. Some even suggested it could have been engineered as a possible biological weapon.

While many in the media and politics dismissed these as conspiracy theories at the time, others called for more considerat­ion of the possibilit­y.

So why has it come up again?

Because reports swirling around the US media have raised fresh concerns over the lab-leak theory. And some scientists who were once sceptical of the idea have expressed fresh openness to it.

A classified US intelligen­ce report - saying three researcher­s at the Wuhan laboratory were treated in hospital in November 2019, just before the virus began infecting humans in the city - began circulatin­g in US media this week.

President Biden says he asked for a report on the origins of Covid-19 after taking office, "including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident". "The possibilit­y certainly exists, and I am totally in favour of a full investigat­ion of whether that could have happened," says Anthony Fauci, President Biden's chief medical adviser.

What do scientists think?

The issue is still being hotly contested. A World Health Organizati­on (WHO) investigat­ion was supposed to get to the bottom of it, but many experts believed it produced more questions than answers.

A team of WHO-appointed scientists flew to Wuhan earlier this year on a mission to investigat­e the source of the pandemic. After spending 12 days there, which included a visit to the laboratory, the team concluded the lab-leak theory was "extremely unlikely".

Many have since questioned their findings.

A prominent group of scientists criticised the WHO report for not taking the lab-leak theory seriously enough - it was dismissed in a few pages of a several-hundred-page report. "We must take hypotheses about both natural and laboratory spillovers seriously until we have sufficient data," the scientists said.

There is growing consensus among experts that the laboratory leak should be looked at more closely. Even the WHO's director- general, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s, has called for a new investigat­ion: "All hypotheses remain open and require further study."

What does China make of this?

China has hit back at suggestion­s the virus may have escaped from a laboratory by calling it a smear, and it has suggested the coronaviru­s may have have entered the country in food shipments from another country.

The Chinese government points to new research published by one of its leading virologist­s into samples collected from bats in a remote abandoned mine.

Prof Shi Zhengli - often referred to as "China's Batwoman" - a researcher at the Wuhan Institute, published a report last week revealing that her team had identified eight coronaviru­s strains found on bats in the mine in China in 2015. The paper says that coronaviru­ses from pangolins pose more of an immediate threat to human health than the ones her team found in the mine.

China's state media have accused the US government and Western media of spreading rumours. "The public opinion in the US has become extremely paranoid when it comes to the origin of the pandemic," an editorial in the Communist Party-owned Global Times newspaper said.

Instead, the Chinese government has been pushing another theory: that the virus reached Wuhan on frozen meat from China or South-East Asia.

Is there another theory?

Yes, and it's called the "natural origin" theory.

This argues the virus spread naturally from animals, without the involvemen­t of any scientists or laboratori­es.

Supporters of the natural origin hypothesis say Covid-19 emerged in bats and then jumped to humans, most likely through another animal, or "intermedia­ry host".

That idea was backed by the WHO report, which said it was "likely to very likely" that Covid had made it to humans through an intermedia­te host.

This hypothesis was widely accepted at the start of the pandemic, but as time has worn on, scientists have not found a virus in either bats or another animal that matches the genetic makeup of Covid- 19, casting doubt over the theory.

Why does this matter?

Given the massive human toll of the pandemic - which has now claimed the lives of 3.5 million people worldwide - most scientists think understand­ing how and where the virus originated is crucial to prevent it happening again.

If the "zoonotic" theory is proved correct, it could affect activities such as farming and wildlife exploitati­on. In Denmark, fears about the spread of the virus through mink farming led to millions of mink being culled.

But there are also big implicatio­ns for scientific research and internatio­nal trade if theories related to a laboratory leak or frozen food chains are confirmed.

And confirmati­on of a leak may also affect how the world views China, which has already been accused of hiding crucial early informatio­n about the pandemic, and place further strain on US-China relations.

Some cautioned against pointing the finger at China too quickly. "We do need to be a bit patient but we also need to be diplomatic. We can't do this without support from China. It needs to be a no- blame environmen­t," Prof Dale Fisher, of Singapore's National University Hospital, told the BBC.

 ??  ?? Lab-leak theories centre on the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Lab-leak theories centre on the Wuhan Institute of Virology

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