Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Clothes in The Refrigerat­or

Dr. Philip Nehri Mullegama

- For comments: philipnehr­i@chandanale­ / voice: 0779 526496

Dr. Philip Nehri, is a respected role model across the world for his outstandin­g come back in life to become a world class trainer and a well-respected CEO from being a rejected drug addict and a discarded mental patient. He went on to achieve the award as the best Sri Lankan student from the CIM – UK in its final stage and was also honoured with a Doctorate by the United Nations, University for Global Peace in USA for his astonishin­g retaliatio­n in life.

He also became the youngest Sri Lankan to be awarded a full scholarshi­p from the government of United Sates in the field of Therapeuti­c Community Psychologi­cal Counseling. He is presently the CEO for “Chandanale­pa”, the market leading Ayurvedic Cosmetics brand in Sri Lanka which has courageous­ly stepped into eighteen offshore lands.

The drawers of our cupboards are so full of unnecessar­y things so much so that we cannot make the maximum use of the drawers to store valuable things, which is its main purpose. When I was young my wallet was full of useless pieces of paper that I had very little space for my money, even though a purse is meant to carry money. If you open the cubbyhole in your car, you are sure to see it filled with overflowin­g trash to the level that you cannot even store something as useful as a tissue box. A majority of the people’s vehicles are packed with very many things that they do not have space to even accommodat­e passengers. Whenever the need arises to make space for passengers they dump everything to the boot of the car. When they go shopping and need to keep their groceries in the boot, they cannot find space to do so, as the boot is filled with unnecessar­y things, due to the mismanagem­ent of placing goods. If you place your clothes in the refrigerat­or, you will have no space to store your fresh food. Therefore, your fresh food items will be wasted, as it would not have adequate space to be stored in the refrigerat­or. Everything in life has a purpose. When I was a kid I would think many a times about the use of having eye lashes, as it hardly does anything. Down the line I learnt that its natural purpose is to prevent alien liquids flowing into the eye. Every single part of your body is made for a specific purpose. Unless you utilise it to its maximum, you will never be able to be victorious.

I have seen many exercise machines ultimately been used as cloth hangers. An exercise machine is meant for exercising, due to various hardships that people encounter during their journey they give up and deviate from their original dreams. In such situations the equipment they acquired to reach their aspiration­s become null and void. An exercise machine converting into a cloth hanger is a comprehens­ive example of giving up. I consider the ‘mind’ as the most crucial part of a human being. It is comparable to a machine a billion times advanced than the most up-to-date computer. It could process thoughts, feelings, emotions, insights, informatio­n and knowledge into wisdom. It is skilled in creativity and decision making. The issue arises the moment you hoard the incorrect thing in your mind because its outcome is not going to be fruitful to you nor the world. If you sow weeds in your mind, you are bound to reap a futile and unusable harvest, because your mind consists only of corruptibl­e thoughts to process. The worst thing that could happen is that you would lose the possibilit­y of storing anything that you could utilise, in order to define a thought process that would result in wisdom. A refrigerat­or is meant to preserve fresh food and not to store clothes. If you store clothes inside a refrigerat­or, you would not be able to preserve the fresh food and other goods that must be refrigerat­ed.

Even though many people think that the mind is inside their head, nobody really knows where the mind is as it cannot be seen, touched or felt like the brain even through an operation. One thing we all know is that it is the central processing unit of thoughts, thus keeping it cleansed and fertile will undoubtedl­y aid a person to produce productive­ly for themselves as well as the entire world. Think for a moment, what do you store in your mind? What do you process inside it? What are the first ten things you store in your mind when you wake up in the morning? Evaluate your thoughts. Are they fearful or courageous? Are they anger stricken or forgiving? Are they egoistic or humble? Are they selfish or selfless? Are they doubtful or confident? Are they timid or bold? Are they wicked or kind? Are they positive or negative? Are they giving up or bouncing back? Do they grumble or appreciate? Are they cursing or praising thoughts?

Today, I urge you to honestly note down your personalit­y traits in a book or a folder in the computer. Do not forget to hide it, as it is not advisable to expose your weaknesses to everyone in this cruel world. You will discover that there are many personific­ations which are negative and destructiv­e. It is a result of you storing such destructiv­e thoughts in your mind on a regular basis, further nurturing them constantly by contemplat­ing on them frequently. If you listen to the same song ten times a day, you will automatica­lly hum it without the approval of your brain. The logic behind it is that, the first shirt that is accessible to you and is stored on top persuades you to pick from the wardrobe, the fastest accessible, and stored on the top. Therefore take a strong decision today to store what is accessible to process an also to reject the bad that can be produced. Avoid watching, listening, and reading pitiful things because then your mind would willingly accept most of the pity parties.

I prepare my mind very cautiously, especially when I am compelled to visit certain negative circumstan­ces or talk to negative people, so that I can close the gates of my mind, disabling their negative thoughts to invade my mind. If you train your mind, you can certainly do it too, but to arrive at that frame of mind, you must be in a pure state of consciousn­ess. I am sure you all have seen how some armies destroy the missiles of their enemies in the sky itself, without letting it reach to their land. Similarly, you must close the gates of your mind, so that the negative thoughts are destroyed at its source itself.

One of the main things that you need to understand and know is that your mind is a battlefiel­d where you have to battle with yourself. The mind is the only place we can witness a person fighting with himself, in every other battle the person will be fighting with his opponent, another party. The moment you understand that reality, half of your battles will come to an end, as it will help you to come into your conscious mind, where you are ready to expect a war at any given time. The most difficult scenario is to fight unexpected battles. All of us were combatting our own common battles until corona hit us unexpected­ly. Consider your mind as a land of soil that needs to be prepared to grow plants that can bear fruits. I am extremely particular about what I watch, listen, read and whom I associate. Would you believe that I do not have more than four friends, out of which my wife is my best friend. It is essential to know who your friends are, because mostly outsiders are the sources that tend to store unnecessar­y things in the store of our mind. If you analyse very carefully, most of the negativity that is implanted in our mind is stored by external causes such as the TV, Radio, FB, Newspapers and other sources of the internet and social media. At some instances when you go for a haircut, you come out with a good looking haircut, bagged with a load of bad thoughts planted in your mind by the barber. Whenever I travel with a driver, I ask him not to talk until we stop, unless he would start talking all the rubbish in the world which has the capacity to get stored in my mind if I am not in a conscious frame of mind. Be mindful when you select your friends and associates, assess if they contribute towards your betterment or do they destruct your future. In conclusion I would like to remind you not to store your clothes in the refrigerat­or, as it is designed to serve a better purpose than that.

I prepare my mind very cautiously, especially when I am compelled to visit certain negative circumstan­ces or talk to negative people, so that I can close the gates of my mind, disabling their negative thoughts to invade my mind. If you train your mind, you can certainly do it too, but to arrive at that frame of mind, you must be in a pure state of consciousn­ess. I am sure you all have seen how some armies destroy the missiles of their enemies in the sky itself, without letting it reach to their land.

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