Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

If you could have anything…


Currently, about 7.8 billion people in this world, from which more than 736 million people live below the internatio­nal poverty line with 115 million more people expected to be in poverty by the end of the year.

On the other hand, billionair­es become richer. Last July, the total wealth held by billionair­es reached a record high – $10.2 trillion.

But what if there was nothing called ‘money’ in the world?

Many people nowadays apply for a job not because they’ll enjoy it but because of the salary. All the assistants of infamous criminals are promised large payments to do their dirty work. Many can’t have what they want because

But when I speak of a world without money, I don’t mean everything is free. There have to be restrictio­ns. You must contribute to the society in one way or the other, but in whichever way you like. So you exchange what you have for what you don’t, in terms of both services and goods. If, being a doctor, you cure a sick child, its mother will stitch clothes for your household. But if you don’t contribute to the society, you wouldn’t get anything from it either.

A world without money will be a world with less crimes and more happiness, where innocent people don’t suffer, where everyone works to their utmost. Soon people will not crave for luxury – because it can be commonplac­e – but for things that really matter, like love, trust and honesty.

What wouldn’t you do for such a world – where you can do almost whatever you want, where nobody suffers, where there’s no rich nor poor?

Ifadha Deen (15 years) Leeds Int. School, Galle

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