Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Vaccines, 'Delta strain' bring new pandemic challenge

- By Peter Apps

LONDON (Reuters) - In the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou, engineers are building a 5,000-person quarantine facility, central to Beijing's strategy for reopening itself to the outside world while COVID-19 continues.

Having largely stamped out its original outbreak last year, China now claims to be on the edge of shutting down a much smaller outbreak of the Indian-origin Delta Variant in Guangdong province. That appears to have also yielded a new broader strategy as China attempts reopening potentiall­y bringing in all foreigners through that southern region, and in doing so hoping to protect the rest of China.

As the pandemic enters the second half of its second year, almost all countries face the same dilemma: if, how and when to attempt to reopen to the outside world.

It is a challenge made harder by the increased speed at which the Delta variant has spread not just faster and to more people, but also often infecting those already vaccinated, even if they then become less ill.

For now, the temptation for countries like Britain is to reopen and risk further spread of the new variant, relying on vaccines to prevent a large number of fatalities. The risk, of course, is the emergence of new strains that change that calculus but for some other nations, the crisis remains acute and in some places continues to worsen.

Globally, some 3 billion people around 40% of the worlds population have now received at least one vaccinatio­n shot, a colossal achievemen­t in the circumstan­ces. Some countries such as Britain, Israel and most parts of the United States have vaccinated the vast majority of those most vulnerable to the virus.

Others, however, have barely started, and tempers are fraying. COVAX, the UN-backed internatio­nal scheme aimed at delivering vaccines to poorer countries, has so far delivered only 90 million doses to 132 nations, its rollout severely dented by Indias decision to block vaccine exports in the face of its own catastroph­ic outbreak.

From national economies to individual families, balancing how to control the virus and restore pre-pandemic opportunit­ies is becoming more challengin­g than ever. On Monday, Pakistani migrant workers stormed a vaccine centre in Islamabad, desperate to obtain doses of the vaccine made by AstraZenec­a and Pfizer so they could travel to Saudi Arabia for jobs.

In Australia, which had viewed itself as a COVID-19 success story after sealing its borders and eradicatin­g cases through long lockdowns, cases of the Delta variant spreading out through quarantine centres have caused outbreaks in five of the countrys eight states.

Vaccinatin­g billions

Crucially for the global picture, India and China are both on the path to mass inoculatio­n. This week, India announced it had now vaccinated more people than the United States, more than 320 million doses. That still leaves more than a billion Indians unprotecte­d, although many may now have had the virus.

In China, where that is almost certainly not the case, Beijing has this year quietly switched focus from using Chinese vaccines as a geopolitic­al tool for influence overseas to prioritisi­ng its domestic population. Last week, China said it had given more than a billion vaccine doses, almost half in the last month, although experts say rollout has been uneven.

In cities such as Shanghai, more than 80% of the population are now thought to be protected, compared to a quarter of that in other regions. With Japan pushing ahead with the delayed summer Olympics this year, Beijing is desperate to be able to hold the Winter Olympics next year and with enough worries about foreign states boycotting over human rights, those in power will be keen to avoid COVID-19 being another reason to stay away.

Providing no new resistant variants emerge that require revaccinat­ion, those numbers should make widescale vaccine exports easier and give real hope that COVAX might genuinely meet its aspiration to deliver 1.8 billion doses in the first quarter of 2022, allowing serious vaccinatio­n of vulnerable population­s in the poorest states for the first time.

If 2020 was the year that the pandemic changed the world, 2021 is already set to be the year that vaccines revolution­ised how the world could tackle that pandemic. To what extent the world returns to normal or what a new normal looks like will require new decisions, and we are only just starting to learn what that might look like. (Peter Apps is a writer on internatio­nal affairs, globalisat­ion, conflict and other issues. He is the founder and executive director of the Project for Study of the 21st Century; PS21, a non-national, non-partisan, non-ideologica­l think tank.)

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