Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)



The new white-ball captain Dasun Shanaka feels that a captain should be given at least a year to build stability and trust, in order for the skipper to settle with his brigade.

“I’m not saying this because I’m the captain, but any leader should be granted an extended run of at least a year or so. Only then the leader-of-the-pack and the pack themselves will have time to settle,” he told reporters, in a virtual pre- series presser, yesterday (17).

“There has been no discussion with the selectors,” he disclosed on long-term captaincy, saying that selectors are also along the same line of thinking of restoring the “long-term captaincy”.

The management has had this practise of hiring-and-firing captains for their whim-and-fancy and that doing no good be it on the entire team or the leader. Sri Lanka has had 10 captains in four years and three this year, contributi­ng to Sri Lanka’s dwindling fortunes across formats.

Asked as to how challengin­g the series is going to be, “It’s a big challenge. We all know our senior players are not there, but we should not be dishearten­ed by that because we have a team of players who have played well in domestic and franchise cricket,” Shanaka, now a leader of the shorter format also, sounded positively.

“Only thing is they lack experience. It’s always challengin­g. Internatio­nal cricket and outside issues all impact on players but we need to forget all that and move on,” he said.

Despite adversity running-high, it already seems to be bringing out the leader in Shanaka. Though Indians appear the superior side, he was confident the series is evenly poised and a leader, who trusts his troops.

“The series is even. We have played in IPL, but not much internatio­nal cricket. I am confident of giving a good fight. I cannot guarantee of win but I trust my players and I discussed my plans with them,”

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