Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Timeless learnings

- By Dinuka Perera (The writer is the Chief Operating Officer of LankaClear Private Ltd. However views expressed in this article are those of the writer and do not represent views or opinions of ICTA or LankaClear).

It has been a decade since I left an organisati­on which had a profound effect on my career. In June 2011, I walked out of the Informatio­n and Communicat­ion Technology Agency (ICTA) for the last time as an employee of ICTA. As I reflect on the time I spent at ICTA a decade later, I realise that what I learnt during my near six-year career at ICTA still holds true. I have also realised that these learnings are equally applicable to any organisati­on, be it a government institutio­n or a private company. Following are six key learnings which I believe are applicable for a service driven or a product driven organisati­on to be successful.

Once a product or service is ready to be launched, it is important to pilot it under a set of scenarios before a full rollout. Results of a pilot launch would allow an organisati­on to make necessary course correction­s, understand risks, and be prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead in a full rollout

1. Citizen (ie customer) centricity

One of the fundamenta­l lessons that I learnt very early at ICTA is that any service (or product) that you conceptual­ise, design and deliver needs to keep the needs of the citizen in the centre. While this sounds like a ‘no-brainer’, I have realised how challengin­g a task it is to look at something from a perspectiv­e of a citizen ( or a customer) when you are working within an organisati­on which delivers that product or service.

Quite naturally, organisati­ons look from ‘ inside- out’ as opposed to ‘ outside- in’. Organisati­ons look at how internal processes need to be in place, how to adhere to rules and regulation­s, circulars, audit requiremen­ts and approval levels etc to deliver a product or service. In doing so, it is easy to lose the perspectiv­e of how the citizen or customer eventually consumes that product or service. While many organisati­ons have tried to address this issue by introducin­g concepts such as ‘single window service’ or ‘one stop shop’, we still see today how citizens have to go from one counter to another and wait for an unreasonab­le amount of time to get something done. This is true for both government and private sector organisati­ons.

Therefore, organisati­ons would do well to change from an organisati­on- centric mindset to a citizen-centric mindset when conceptual­ising, designing and delivering services or products.

2. Processes over Automation

When looking to introduce efficienci­es within your organisati­on, do not look to informatio­n technology (IT) as the panacea to solve all your ills. There is an over reliance or a misplaced trust in the benefits that IT could bring to an organisati­on. IT should be viewed only as an enabler or a facilitato­r that would help an organisati­on to perform tasks in a more expeditiou­s manner. However, IT would never be able to remove the inherent inefficien­cies which are embedded into processes that are followed by organisati­ons. Therefore, one should never embark on a blind automation but first look at how the internal processes can be made more efficient. For example, if a particular process takes six hours to complete and goes through 10 touch points, one should first look at reducing the time and the touch points taken to complete that process. Once the process is optimised, then you can introduce informatio­n technology to deliver that process even faster and in a citizen-friendly manner.

Therefore, always look into optimising processes within your organisati­on first before thinking of automation.

3. Aim for quick wins while working on long term success

If an organisati­on is looking to introduce technology to improve the delivery of its services or products, it needs to score some quick wins by introducin­g technology to gain the confidence of the internal staff as well as those who consume its services. It is important especially if introducin­g technology to automate the core manual processes takes a long time. Sometimes introducin­g such systems would take a few years and there can be a tendency among the stakeholde­rs to lose interest in such initiative­s. Therefore, showing how technology can help by introducin­g systems readily available and can be implemente­d within a short span of time is important. These could be simple inventory control systems, payroll systems, leave and attendance systems, workflow systems to share and approve documents, token issuance systems to regularise serving customers or even introducin­g email for office correspond­ence. Such quick wins could capture the imaginatio­n of the stakeholde­rs and also enable a good platform for them to be more receptive to technology by the time the core systems are delivered for use.

Therefore, always look to score quick wins with rapid implementa­tion of readily available systems to gain an acceptance among the stakeholde­rs for technology as well as to prepare them to embrace new systems which are coming their way at a later stage.

4. Never underestim­ate the resistance to change

It is a universal truth that change makes humans uncomforta­ble and there is no exception when it comes to introducin­g changes within an organisati­on even when keeping the best interests at heart. There will always be naysayers and those who view change with apathy. One of the key reasons for many an initiative to fail is underestim­ating the resistance to change. You can introduce best in class systems which could revolution­ise delivery of products or services but given these systems are to be managed by humans who are inherently resistant to change poses significan­t challenges to any organisati­on. Therefore, change management should be given the highest priority whenever embarking on an initiative that significan­tly alters the way things have been done in the past.

Preparing stakeholde­rs to embrace changes within the organisati­on and outside it needs to start even before plans are made to change the processes and subsequent­ly automate them. One of the strategies that organisati­ons can adopt to successful­ly implement changes within an organisati­on is to select individual­s who have a wider acceptance within the organisati­on or wield influence over others due to their position or popularity, to be those who lead change. When those who are influentia­l within an organisati­on are embracing change and leading the way, there is a general acceptance among the rest to follow suit. It is imperative to identify such ‘ change champions’ within an organisati­on, bestow them with the necessary knowledge and skills to lead change and send them out to the floor as change disciples. It is equally important such change champions remain within the organisati­on until the initiative­s are implemente­d and changes become part of the DNA of the organisati­on. An irreversib­le damage can occur if such change champions are suddenly transferre­d or leaves the organisati­on while the change initiative­s are in progress. Even when you have a perfectly planned and executed change management initiative, there will still be a few who would not welcome such change initiative­s. Even when such naysayers are in the minority, they should not be ignored but managed carefully so that their negative influence does not derail the initiative­s.

Therefore, pay close attention to managing people who are affected by change by having a comprehens­ive change management programme in place before you embark on key initiative­s which fundamenta­lly changes the way people have been used to work.

5. Test the waters before you jump in

Whenever you are conceptual­ising a new product or service, it would be prudent to do a proof of concept (POC) to understand the intricacie­s of your concept rather than jumping headlong to developing the product or service. A POC offers a golden opportunit­y for you to fine-tune your product or service and understand its acceptance. It is also an opportunit­y to capture the interest of your stakeholde­rs at an early stage prior to the actual delivery of the product or service. POC provides a glimpse into the future and what is to be expected when the actual product or service is implemente­d. Therefore, it would supplement change management initiative­s as well. POC could negate unforeseen or unfounded fears among stakeholde­rs of an initiative before it comes to full fruition.

It is equally important that an initiative is not limited to a POC but the actual product or service is delivered with a sense of urgency. Many initiative­s lose the initial excitement and the interest among stakeholde­rs the longer they take to deliver. Initiative­s which have a longer ‘incubation period’ need to be designed with multiple milestones and those milestones need to be celebrated to constantly capture the imaginatio­n and the interest of the stakeholde­rs.

Therefore, always look to understand and showcase the promise of a new product or service by developing a proof of concept prior to actual developmen­t.

6. Think Big, Start Small, Scale up Fast

Once a product or service is ready to be launched, it is important to pilot it under a set of scenarios before a full rollout. Results of a pilot launch would allow an organisati­on to make necessary course correction­s, understand risks, and be prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead in a full rollout. While developing a proof of concept provides an opportunit­y to understand the viability of a product or service, piloting the actual product or service gives an opportunit­y to understand the demands of its full implementa­tion.

There should not be a significan­t timegap between the pilot and the full rollout as such a delay could again lead to stakeholde­rs losing interest. Piloting a product or service should also not mean that such a product or service is withdrawn after some time. Piloting is a permanent endeavour that takes places at the cusp of a full-scale implementa­tion. The full implementa­tion of an initiative should be undertaken with a sense of urgency and there should not be significan­t time gaps until the full implementa­tion is completed. It is always a difficult task to run two systems in parallel and it gets even more difficult if one such system is a manual system and the other an automated one.

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