Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Public toilets more important than internatio­nal grounds and highrise buildings


One of the Presidenti­al Election promises before the Yahapalana­ya Government came to power was to provide ‘tablets’ to all students in Sri Lanka. All less affluent students waited in anticipati­on but the promise was not fulfilled as there were protests from the then Opposition that the tablets would not help students in their studies and that they would get educated in other areas.

The previous government instead of carrying out activities to resolve the urgent needs of people exhausted billions of rupees on less significan­t matters. One priority however that the then President drew attention to is the lack of public toilets. Then President Maithripal­a Sirisena publicly stated that there are many schools without toilets.

A National Water Supply and Drainage Board survey revealed a few years ago that about 1,300 primary and secondary schools did not have proper sanitary facilities. This figure would be much higher now. Two civil society outfits have disclosed that there are schools where students are discourage­d from drinking water for want of toilets and this has rendered these hapless children prone to renal complicati­ons.

It is also reported that absenteeis­m is widespread among girls in certain schools during menstruati­on for lack of proper toilet facilities. This is an indictment on the two main parties which have ruled the country for decades.

Functional, hygienic, acceptable toilets have never been on the minds of the politician­s because they perhaps do not believe in a ceremonial opening of toilets. What schoolchil­dren go through is wretched times while in school.

Although tourism is constantly promoted by all government­s, there are no clean toilets, for that matter any toilets along roads and towns, apart from those in wayside small hotels which are not at all hygienic. Hence one has to hold on for hours to answer a call of nature. This is appalling indeed.

In complete contrast, as a Sri Lankan fortunate enough to live in Australia, I wish to state that there are more than 14,000 public and private hygienic toilet facilities across the country. This is shown in a national public toilet map prepared by the state. Useful informatio­n is provided about each toilet, location, opening hours, availabili­ty of baby changing rooms, accessibil­ity for disabled persons and also about parking facilities.

Let alone tourists, Sri Lankans who travel long distances by bus are subjected to stress and anxiety when they need to answer a call of nature. It is time our politician­s realise that public toilets are more significan­t than building internatio­nal playground­s, high rise buildings or even airports. The cost too is relatively meagre.

Sunil Thenabadu Brisbane

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