Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Can you be the new leader?

Let’s accept it, if you are to survive in today’s work place you have be in the runs that score In the team. If not very soon you will just lose your place. The game is rough. There is absolute uncertaint­y. The challenges we are faced with are crazy. Unle


Let me pick up the key characteri­stics of the new age leader:

1) Power to inspire

Research done by Kantar reveal that today’s consumer has become very purposeful on the products they purchase. Hence organisati­ons must be driven by purpose hence it is important that we talk about these deep issues when we talk to our teams. This is the single minded reason that can inspire the youngsters of tomorrow. When You inspire there is creativity and intuition that sets into the team. You must learn this Skill.

2) Move away from habit

One of the key attributes of a leader of tomorrow is that they break away from the Current practices that one has got used to. To do this one must pick up the changes In the market place and must be ready for transforma­tion continuous­ly. Let’s accept it things are falling apart around us. Be it politicall­y, economical­ly and socially. So the only way to adjust to these changes and drive an organizati­on to be relevant is by continuous­ly changing. We have to learn new skill sets and a different attitude Let’s acquire them.

3) Ability to learn

Latest data reveal that people who read, do reseach, connect with like minded people but who question current working practices are the ones that are demanded in tomorrow’s world. The logic being that they want grow. Not only in office by socially and even globally. They tend to have a thirst for knowing what is happening around the world.

4) Reach out to network

This is an important point to discuss. Managers typically specialize in procedures and Day to day activities whilst the new age leader wants to consciousl­y network and use the network to grow their business. A point to note is that when you network you tend to make new friends and then we have no option but make promises. You Must deliver on those promises. If you cannot be upfront and say why you cannot. Don’t be a slave to the world is a world of advise.

5) Become fanatic

Given the turmoil in the market we have no option but be the best in what you do so that you stay relevant and be demanded. For this you must be absolutely ruthless On the area you are seen as specialist. You must be a fanatic technicall­y that no one Can beat you down at a discussion. I read some where that the pandemic has really tested us if we have what it takes to be competitiv­e in the chosen profession.

The thoughts are strictly the authors views and not linked to any organisati­on he serves in Sri Lanka or in the South Asian region

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 ?? ?? Sri Lanka opens up after 43 days of quarantine curfew but we must pledge for a new behavior.
Sri Lanka opens up after 43 days of quarantine curfew but we must pledge for a new behavior.

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