Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Diary Dreams Devoured by Bookworms

My son Joshua is growing up day by day and becoming a teenager. Therefore, I wanted to pass on some of the shirts that I do not use any longer to him.

- For comments: e-mail – Philipnehr­i@chandanale­ / Voice – 0779526496

Whilst searching through my almirah, I found a few shirts that I have worn only once and that was also for a special occasion, but they looked so old and rugged. They looked faded as they were just stacked in the same drawer for over three years. I felt so guilty for investing money on those expensive shirts which were worn only once and they are now obsolete.

I also found another shirt that I have never worn, which I could have easily gifted to someone and made that person happy. I felt very bad about my negligence.

Even a new pair of shoes may be separated from its sole if it is left to idle in the shoe rack for a long period of time. Sometimes if you go through one of your old diaries, you will be able to see that most of your dreams have been merely dreams written in your diary, they can be identified as ‘Diary Dreams’.

They possess only a short life span that is lived inside the diary and it becomes just a written dream. Just think for a moment along with me, how many such dreams have been consumed by bookworms?

If you are not the type of person who would get disturbed when you see those abandoned or heavily decayed diary dreams, then I cannot consider you as a man or woman with a vision. Actually, what do you think the purpose of life is?

What makes you wake up every morning? If you do not have such a passionate purpose then your mornings will be horribly dark and miserably sad. We all need to have a purposeful reason to jump out of the bed and set foot on the ground every morning. If not we will simply be like blank papers that are stacked in an old cupboard, unused for many years, only to be consumed by bookworms.

Every year as we step into the new year, it has become a habit to write down some pleasing dreams in our diaries or our laptops, which very easily goes unattended by all of us. People who possess diary dreams will never grow in life. Bookworms are not the ones who consume your dreams, but you alone can become your own dream killer.

Even though you dream, you do not invest your commitment in bringing those dreams into reality. Most of the time our greatest enemy is none other than ourselves. If your plant dies, it is not because of your neighbours evil eye but because you have not watered and fertilised the plant regularly.

Whenever things go wrong we have accustomed ourselves to blame the stars, the devil and everything around us. On the other hand, many are pleading to God to get them through their examinatio­ns without any commitment towards studying.

When I was at the age of twenty five (25), my aunt was told by a famous horoscope reader that I will die within the upcoming three days. Here I am moving ahead victorious­ly, upward and forward and being a great blessing to many across the world.

The outcome that you will reap at the end of a year is solely based on your input during that year.

A seed will not be able to grow if you place it on a solid rock, as there is no ground for the seed to be rooted. Just like that, your dreams will never be rooted within a diary, as the diary cannot breathe nor think.

You must plant your dreams in your heart, as it can breathe and it will root itself firmly every time your mind waters it with passion. Just like a plant needs water to grow, so does your passion need fuel to develop. That is the reason why diary dreams do not grow, they just decay by being neglected and exposed to the fiery challenges in life. Constantly being exposed to water corrodes steel just as your dreams fade away when they are overlooked by the exposure of life’s pressures.

A dream will forever remain a statement of informatio­n until it is taken through a rigorous process of implementa­tion that will illuminate your dream.

Remember the process: Informatio­n - Implementa­tion - Illuminati­on. You can easily close your eyes and dream of a beautiful body, but unless you walk a few kilometres a day and avoid consuming junk food, your dream will start to decay heavily inside your soft or hard diary.

Now. That we have stepped into a new year, we are so inspired to dream of a wonderful year ahead. But what if the pandemic and the economic challenges remain in our system for some time.

Will you allow your dreams to decay inside your diary? Or would you find an alternativ­e to fuel your dreams? To be frank, I have faced many tough situations in my life, yet I have made it a point to keep my focus on my dreams rather than on the problems that attack me.

The moment you take your eyes off your hopes, your eyes are quick to turn towards the turbulent storm, that is when you begin to sink in the ocean of problems.

I still recall the day I watched the film ‘Rocky’ for the first time. The film was so inspiring that I thought I can challenge any challenge that comes my way. Yet, there I was the next day, just walking the same old useless walk with no meaning to it at all. It is commonly said that big dreams are important in life, but I would say if you are not constant and continuous with your implementa­tion plan for a bigger dream, then might as well drive towards a smaller dream initially. Don’t you think it is better to have a fully completed single storey house rather than an incomplete three-storey house that does not have a roof and windows.

It is advisable to adopt a stray dog if you cannot afford to look after a horse.

No dream is considered too big if your passion towards it is powerful and your commitment is unwavering. If your passion is anesthetis­ed and your commitment is unstable then there is no doubt that your dreams will decayheavi­ly inside your diary.

I have had many diary dreams in my life. How many of us as students have written until the end of the year with the same beautiful handwritin­g we started writing at the beginning of the year.

We were very enthusiast­ic to go to school whenever we had a new uniform, school bag or shoes. Yet, our energy faded away along with the uniform that fades away with time and our bags and shoes that get tampered. This sort of temporary material based thinking pattern is acceptable by a young student but it is certainly not acceptable for an adult.

Therefore, let us step into the new year which is going to be a challengin­g one for many of us with deep rooted dreams and sheer commitment, so that we could end the year in a successful note.

As for me, I am determined to achieve more during the coming year, more than what I have lost during many years of destructio­n. I intend to move forward with an unwavering mind with the intention of growing more than I ever grew. I have clearly evaluated my weak areas.

I will surely write down my dreams in a diary to be a physical witness for the next generation but I will never let my dreams die inside the diary itself.

I will make sure that even though the bookworms might decay my diary and I may encounter challenges, yet nothing can steal my dreams from my heart.

Every year as we step into the new year, it has become a habit to write down some pleasing dreams in our diaries or our laptops, which very easily goes unattended by all of us. People who possess diary dreams will never grow in life. Bookworms are not the ones who consume your dreams, but you alone can become your own dream killer.

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