Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Swadeshi Khomba sponsors Manikkawat­te teledrama which celebrates Sri Lanka’s colourful lifestyle of yore


Swadeshi Khomba is proud to be the main sponsor of the highly realistic television drama series developed based on the famed Sinhala literary work “Manikkawat­te” whose plot spans the 1880-1980 century of Sri Lanka.

“Manikkawat­te”’s plot is spun around pivotal themes of the value of the country’s natural resources, relevance of nature, negative consequenc­es of environmen­tal damage, colonialis­m and its impacts, historic and ancient heritages, and the Sri Lankan social fabric centered on the nuclear family unit.

The series, which brings a new TV viewing experience, is created by Director Sudath Rohana. It is being telecast on ITN every weekend at 8.30 pm.

Chairperso­n of Swadeshi Industries Ms. Amari Wijewarden­e says: “Manikkawat­te” is a valuable opportunit­y to showcase the value of lifestyle and heritage of Sri Lankans of yore. This drama series will help our children to learn about our rural heritage and history. Swadeshi Industries look forward to see positive attitudina­l change towards Sri Lankan culture and values among the viewing public, from this series. Today sponsorshi­p for dramas that portray such traditiona­l values is very seldom. We at Swadeshi Industries, as a Sri Lankan company that values our heritage, feel a great sense of pride in contributi­ng to an effort of this nature.” Swadeshi Industries previously also sponsored several tele dramas directed by Sudath Rohana including Ambudaruwo, Uthuwankan­de Saradiel, Karuwala Gedara, and Kinduru Kumaraya.

The main sponsor of the drama, Swadeshi Khomba has been a trusted brand for generation­s. Swadeshi Khomba has natural Kohomba oil, which has been used for generation­s as a natural herbal therapy for protection against germs. Swadeshi Khomba cleanses the skin while also nourishing and safeguardi­ng it.

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