Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Northern Governor accused of being high-headed and high-handed


Northern Province Governor Jeevan Thiyagaraj­ah came under severe criticism by senior government officials in the province for his method of governance within such a short span since he took office.

Weeks ago, a group of secretarie­s to provincial ministries were transferre­d altogether. Some of those secretarie­s expressed concerns alleging the Governor who came from the Non-Government Organisati­ons sector, was not aware of the limitation­s to his constituti­onal powers as the direct representa­tive of the President.

"He could be the President's representa­tive here, but he cannot issue arbitrary orders to us to work on his initiative­s. Certainly, we can collaborat­e and support him, but we report back to the Ministry of Public Administra­tion, not to the Governor," a senior official from the Provicial administra­tion said on condition of anonymity.

Recently, a directive from the Governor's office was sent to all Grama Sevakas to carry out certain tasks undertaken by his office in addition to their existing tasks. A Co-Chair of District Coordinati­on Committee of Jaffna reportedly took up the issue with the Presidenti­al Secretaria­t recently, complainin­g of the high handedness in provincial governance and the role played by the Governor.

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