Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Looking after grandchild­ren won’t make you feel younger, study suggests

Research busts myth childcare rejuvenate­s grandparen­ts – but suggests looking after a neighbour’s child might

- By Amelia Hill Courtesy The Guardian, UK

Grandparen­ts planning hefty amounts of childcare might want to think again after research claimed to disprove previous findings of a “rejuvenati­ng effect” from looking after grandchild­ren.

Many studies have appeared to show mental and physical health advantages for those who care for their grandchild­ren. But none involved researcher­s talking to the same grandparen­ts before and after their caregiving responsibi­lities began.

When the authors of Is There a Rejuvenati­ng Effect of ( G r a n d ) C h i l d c a re ? A Longitudin­al Study, published this week in The Journals of Gerontolog­y, did that, they found that caring for grandchild­ren failed to make grandparen­ts feel any younger than their actual age.

The age people feel they are – as opposed to the age on their birth certificat­e – is seen as a strong indicator of their mental and physical wellbeing, sometimes even outperform­ing chronologi­cal age as a direct predictor of psychologi­cal and health- related outcomes, including risk of death.

“This is the first study to look at the same people before and after taking up grandparen­tal childcare in terms of the effects on subjective age,” said Dr Valeria Bordone, co-author of the report.

Bordone is also co-author of

2016 report, Do Grandchild­ren Influence How Old You Feel? That found over65s who take care of grandchild­ren feel at least two years

younger than their age, rising to 2.6 years for men aged 74-85.

But her new findings have given her pause for thought. “Contrary to our 2016 findings, our new study found no youthful effect of the transition from not being a caregiver to becoming a grandchild caregiver for either grandfathe­rs or grandmothe­rs,” she said.

The new study was welcomed by Prof Cecilia Tomassini, a leading member of the Grandparen­ting in Europe network of researcher­s.

“This research adds important insight to a question that hasn’t previously been interrogat­ed by going back to the same people,” she said. “Even studies that have gone back to the same group have tended to lose sight of grandparen­ts in ill health because they’ve dropped out of the research. This means those papers have ended up by only looking at healthy grandparen­ts, which is why they’ve been getting, until now, largely positive responses.”

Bordone now believes that attributin­g a causal effect between childcare provision and feeling younger is wrong. Instead, she said, the link is

likely to have more to do with hidden selection effects. “It may well be that personalit­y traits and family values that mean grandparen­ts already have a young, subjective age are overrepres­ented among individual­s who provide care to others,” she said.

In short, rather than childcare making grandparen­ts feel young, it’s the grandparen­ts who feel young already who do more childcare.

If your children’s grandparen­ts are now reluctant to step up this half- term, you might have more luck asking a friend or neighbour of grandparen­t age.

The research threw up the unexpected finding that there are slight benefits in older adults looking after young children who are not their own kin. The hypothesis, said Bordone, is that unrelated children bring with them the rejuvenati­ng effect of youth – without the same reminder of old age that grandchild­ren do.

“Grandparen­thood is a powerful reminder of a person’s ageing and as such it is likely to affect subjective age,” she said.

 ?? ?? The study ‘found no youthful effect of the transition from not being a caregiver to becoming a grandchild caregiver’.
The study ‘found no youthful effect of the transition from not being a caregiver to becoming a grandchild caregiver’.

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