Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

‘No need of full check-ups or a battery of tests’


COVID-19 has made people very vulnerable in more ways than one, cautions Consultant Respirator­y Physician Dr. Neranjan Dissanayak­e, requesting individual­s and institutio­ns not to fleece or exploit these people.

Fearful of disease and death, these people ‘drowning’ in COVID19, will cling to any ‘straw’ and fall ‘prey’ to unscrupulo­us individual­s and institutio­ns, he says.

Dr. Dissanayak­e says: “Whether it is a paniya (syrup), a food supplement, a herbal preparatio­n or a drug that is not sanctioned, don’t tout it among people as a cure for COVID-19.

“Unnecessar­y or irrelevant laboratory tests and imaging (CTs and scans) or detailed health check-ups are also not needed after you have recovered from COVID-19. For a lot of people, there is no significan­t problem and these are not needed and will cause unnecessar­y financial burdens to people who are already facing economic and psychologi­cal hardships.

“If you still feel ill after recovery from COVID-19, see your doctor and get advice. He/she will suggest relevant investigat­ions if necessary that would help to identify complicati­ons.”

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