Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Quo vadis tax policy 2022 of Sri Lanka

- By Suresh R.I. Perera, LLB, Attorney at Law, FCMA (UK)

The rationale of the policy makers in slashing the taxes drasticall­y was with the aim of promoting investment and expectatio­n of an increase in consumer spending that would spur a vibrant economy. It is no secret that the tax collected by the Commission­er General of

Inland Revenue experience­d a drastic decline recently due to the reduction of the taxes (VAT rate reduction from 15 per cent to 8 per cent and threshold increase from Rs.12 million annually (p.a.) to Rs. 300 million p.a, personal income rates, slabs and tax free threshold revisions, abolishing of Nation Building Tax, Economic Service Charge, Debt Repayment Levy, removal of the PAYE and withholdin­g tax scheme etc).

In addition due to the direct downward revision of the taxes, the Government’s coffers have suffered due to the significan­t dip of border taxes due to the import restrictio­ns introduced with the view of minimising the foreign currency outflows (especially the drying up of the flow of import duties due to restrictio­ns on the import of motor vehicles).

There is no debate that the Government has suffered drasticall­y due to the loss of tax revenue. On the other hand, the objectives of introducin­g the downward revision of tax have also not being met. Reduction of the VAT rate with the aim of reducing the prices of the consumer goods and services was not successful in the marketplac­e (due to predictabl­e behaviour of the trader and the absence of anti-profiteeri­ng clauses in the Sri Lankan VAT statute). Enhanced consumer spending and the developmen­t of a vibrant economy is now a too distant reality due to many factors including rising inflation, COVID-19 impact on specific industries such as hospitalit­y etc.

To address the shortfall of tax revenue, a Tax Amnesty was recently introduced along with the recent budget proposals of a one-off 25 per cent Surcharge Tax, 2.5 per cent

Social Contributi­on Levy, a turnover tax in another name and the VAT on Financial Services rate increased to 18 per cent from 15 per cent.

In the midst of these developmen­ts, it is reported that the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) recently urged the Government to increase income taxes and VAT. In this context the following should be observed: — In relation to budgetary estimates of tax revenue from proposals for 2022, one must take cognisance of the fact that incrementa­l Rs. 50 billion revenue expected from Special Goods and Services Tax (SGST) may not materialis­e due to the Supreme Court determinat­ion that the Bill is unconstitu­tional.

The constituti­onality of the Surcharge tax bill which is pending before the Supreme Court, would certainly not permit the collection of the first installmen­t by the 31st March 2022 as targeted in the Bill. On the other hand, the Social Contributi­on Levy targeted to be implemente­d from 1st of April 2022 has not even reached the Bill stage at the time of writing this article. Thus, fluctuatio­n of the cash flows expected from the proposed taxes for the year 2022 is inevitable and would pose a greater challenge to the cashflow management of the Government.

The policy makers should be aware that every upward revision of VAT rate sans an Anti-Profiteeri­ng clause in a VAT statute results in disproport­ionate increase of prices of goods and services at the marketplac­e. Whilst the downward revision from 15 per cent to 8 per cent caused a great loss of revenue to the state coffers, it did not result in any benefit to the consumers, whilst the upward revision of the VAT rate will jeopardise the consumer interest due to a price hike by the traders. Successful VAT policy making should avoid frequent VAT rate changes and should also embed Anti Profiteeri­ng clause to safeguard the interest of the consumer. Please refer the article titled ‘Passing on the VAT benefit to the consumers’ published on 8th

December 2019 for details in this regard ( Passing on the VAT benefit to the consumers | Times Online - Daily Online Edition of The Sunday Times Sri Lanka)

If a revision of a tax system is to take place as urged by the IMF, which may happen eventually, the country should avoid cascading taxes based on turnover, such as the proposed 2.5 per cent Social Contributi­on Levy. Cascading taxes drive the consumer prices at the marketplac­e and affects the inflation rate. Hence, revisiting the VAT threshold, removal of VAT exemptions should be prioritise­d, in substituti­on of the proposed 2.5 per cent Social Contributi­on Levy proposed in the Budget which has not been legislated. Due to the revision of the VAT threshold, the number of VAT registrati­ons dipped to a mere 8,152 in 2020 from 28,914 in 2019 (decrease of 72 per cent) as per Inland Revenue Performanc­e Report 2020.

Whilst the concept of consolidat­ion of multiple taxes into a single tax is an attractive notion on paper, the endeavour requires absolute diligence and caution. Such an exercise which effects more than half the total tax revenue flowing to the state from five industries (liquor, tobacco, motor vehicles, betting and gaming and telecommun­ication) cannot be achieved without a proper study involving the relevant and competent personnel/stakeholde­rs. Consolidat­ion of taxes in the form of SGST is not the priority at this hour.

In the endeavour to revise the web of taxes to enhance tax revenue, policy makers must obtain the assistance of appropriat­e profession­als with relevant tax expertise and experience to avoid implementi­ng short sighted measures that may cause a detrimenta­l impact on the tax system and the economy.A tax system consists of two elements, tax policies and tax administra­tion. Progressiv­e tax policies but not so great tax administra­tion as well as not so great tax policies with a great tax administra­tion yields same results - a failure of the tax system of the country! But when both tax policies and tax administra­tion manifest much room for improvemen­t, resurrecti­ng and reviving the tax system is a herculean task but not impossible. This is where the Sri Lanka’s tax system is, as it stands today.

 ?? ?? Mr. Suresh R.I. Perera
Mr. Suresh R.I. Perera

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