Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Sri Lanka’s farmers and farming stakeholde­rs seek urgent support


The Sri Lanka Agripreneu­rs' Forum ( SLAF), as a profession­al agribusine­ss organisati­on representi­ng approximat­ely 30 per cent of the country’s population, this week presented a set of recommenda­tions to address the challenges stemming from foreign exchange shortages, fuel crisis, and subsequent electricit­y shortages.

In a statement, it said agripreneu­rs and agribusine­ss at all scales are grinding to a halt due to the inability to import agri-inputs due to the non- availabili­ty of forex. Electricit­y and fuel shortages are very severely affecting the agri- processors which causes the entire value chain to remain at a standstill. Already many agribusine­sses have reduced their operations drasticall­y and eventually many might be compelled to close down businesses, which will have multiple ripple effects on the entire economy as the national food security will be further hampered drasticall­y to an extent that will not be able to bounce back within the foreseeabl­e future.

The SLAF has recommende­d that the country needs both a short and long-term strategy to address the present crisis and to ensure the country’s well- being in the future.

The short-term solutions include,

Ensuring that farmers continue to receive agricultur­al inputs without interrupti­on guaranteei­ng that the farming community's output is not hampered by the current circumstan­ces. This requires action to ensure the supply of essential inputs such as seeds and specialist fertiliser­s, needed for particular crops. When such inputs require imports, those engaged in export agricultur­e should be given the facility to utilise part of their export earnings for these essential imports.

Declare a national crop plan for each season well in time to ensure that the farmers do not face marketing of products grown on their own choice.

SLAF recognises that commercial agricultur­e will rely on imported agri inputs for a certain degree and expects the policymake­rs to only promote imports of high-quality agrochemic­als and higher-generation fertiliser­s.

Some forex allocation must be made to cater even to those not engaged in export agricultur­e but considered critical and important with action to generate such inputs locally within a set time frame. In the case of other crops every effort should be made to provide access to local alternativ­es of guaranteed quality and adequate quantities, from suppliers or assistance to generate own inputs both technicall­y and financiall­y.

Any provided assistance for fertiliser should be made in cash to the farmers so that they themselves would choose the type and quantities of fertiliser­s used rather than the present practice of distributi­ng fertiliser­s centrally.

II. Establishm­ent of a government advisory body comprising Sri Lankan experts with knowledge and proven ability to generate programmes to overcome the present problems which will not go away, using indigenous solutions as much as practicall­y possible. The assistance of Sri Lankan specialist­s working abroad should be harnessed to assist the local specialist­s in areas where their knowledge in other countries could be of relevance and value to the local conditions. Many scientists and industry specialist­s are prepared to lend their support to the country. The SLAF believes it is necessary to reach out to Sri Lankan agricultur­al/ horticultu­re profession­als in other countries for assistance in developing the agricultur­e industry. As a result, the government can select an advisory board or a brain trust made up of specialist­s in Sri Lanka and abroad who want to contribute towards this. III. Commence work to develop time-targeted policies and strategies to prevent the recurrence of the present problems, due to over-dependence on external inputs. This policy and strategic planning must be done by specialist­s of proven track records not limited to academic qualificat­ions, with wide stakeholde­r consultati­on and provision for widespread knowledge disseminat­ion to all relevant parties for acceptance with conviction.

The long-term solutions that could be implemente­d include,

Implementi­ng the policies developed under the short-term goal no. III (above), to ensure the non-dependence on external inputs, the price, and supply of which are outside the control of Sri Lanka placing us in the grip of external price volatility and supply constraint­s. II. Focusing on improving post- harvest technology to minimise losses and prevent the cyclic glut and scarcity of agricultur­al produce. We have continued to endorse the upgrading of existing storage facilities preferably near the economic centres to convert them into cold storage facilities using available resources and utilising idling resources. This could help solve the wide fluctuatio­ns of supplies and prices.

III. Developing an entreprene­urial mindset among farmers. Promote the culture of farming to meet the market demand instead of seeking markets after harvesting, leading to gluts and crashing prices. This is a vital step in ensuring that the farming communitie­s in Sri Lanka move beyond their subsistenc­e- level farming into a more profit-oriented approach. This has a significan­t potential to contribute to the nation's GDP in a remarkable manner through improved agri- exports and exportatio­n of value-added products. Structured financial support and business intelligen­ce should be extended to farmers in a sustainabl­e manner to enable lasting growth in this regard.

IV. Incorporat­ing technology into agricultur­e and developing AgTech. Innovation has continued to be the key to the success of any nation and Sri Lanka has been lagging behind in this capacity. Therefore, more focus is needed on improving the involvemen­t of technology in agricultur­e and SLAF has continuous­ly brought out the importance of establishi­ng a “National Agri Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System” to bring about these changes while recommendi­ng initiative­s such as the setting up of an “Agro Innovation Centre”. The implementa­tion of such initiative­s with the collaborat­ion of the private sector could provide the platform for modernisin­g the sector. Identifyin­g and promoting the developmen­t of value-added products leading to a culture of agro-based industries of high value and significan­t export potential. While there are many such opportunit­ies for the same based on already cultivated products, focus to be made on additional plant species with such recognised potential to be introduced.

VI. Creating an agro-based industrial base to attract investment and employment creation, particular­ly focusing on the main plantation crops of tea, rubber and coconut and any other plantation crops VII. Developing strategies and action plans to replace hitherto imported food items that can be grown indigenous­ly to reduce the drain of foreign exchange, which is an easier and faster way of solving the balance of payment problems in comparison to developing new external

markets for agricultur­al produce. VIII.Provide support for the farming community by way of knowledge transfer, access to inputs and markets for the product, rather than subsidies which are unsustaina­ble and have proven to be non-productive in improving the status of farmers from their subsistenc­e-level existence over many decades.

IX. Arrange for retraining of all levels of agricultur­e offices in the state sector to be able to support the farming community with modern agricultur­al practices in line with the specific agro-ecological conditions prevailing in Sri Lanka instead of knowledge gained in other countries which may be of no value in Sri Lankan context.

X. The policy decisions of the government to ban the use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides, although softened, will prevail in the long run due to cost and economic reasons. As such it is prudent to gradually adopt alternate solutions and indigenous fertiliser­s and other inputs the success of which has been proven by some farmers. Such knowledge needs to be garnered and disseminat­ed with careful understand­ing to be adopted on a wider scale XI. Recognise the need for external inputs such as improved seeds and special fertiliser­s and chemicals for special products and farming techniques. Provide access to such external inputs under strict control, whose cost can be justified by the resulting products in the export market, until such time indigenous alternativ­es can be developed with equal efficacy. The SLAF strongly believes that a pragmatic approach to revolution­ising the Sri Lankan agricultur­al sector is crucial to uplift the current status of the country and its people. It is important not to revert back to outdated practices but instead usher in a new era of sustainabl­e and efficient agricultur­al practices. The path to achieving this only requires the expertise, knowledge, and network of contacts of intelligen­t and committed officials who are readily present in this nation. The aim of the SLAF is to gather such individual­s and harness their capacity in formulatin­g actions in short term and medium-term, its statement said.

“Through the improvemen­t of the agricultur­al sector, Sri Lanka could rise out of its present state and look forward to a brighter future by gaining its rightful place as a major driver of the economy. It is high time to increase returns from agricultur­e and to go beyond being dependent on other countries for resources that are already available within the nation to an age where Sri Lanka can export its agri-products in larger quantities. This is only possible through proper management of the available resources through genuine commitment and devotion toward the well-being of the country and its people. Rural farmers are demoralise­d and impacted rather adversely by the unavailabi­lity and sky-rocketing cost of Agri inputs. The government in collaborat­ion with the private sector should look into ways and means of rectifying the crucial issues they face to retain the active farming population and secure the food production,” it said.

The SLAF urges dedicated individual­s and resource persons to support the cause of the SLAF and to provide your expertise and knowledge on creating a better nation through the improvemen­t of agricultur­e.

The SLAF also calls on the government to engage with stakeholde­rs and to take proactive measures which have been strongly recommende­d by the agripreneu­rial community and experts to resolve the current crisis in the nation and to ensure a better future for all Sri Lankans.

 ?? ?? Harvesting time.
Harvesting time.

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