Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Mischievou­s Walrus Freya causes chaos in Norway

- DOGO News

FJuly 29, 2022

reya, a 1,300-pound (589 kg) walrus, has been on an epic adventure since leaving her home in the Arctic Ocean in 2019. Over the past three years, the juvenile female has visited the coasts of Sweden, Denmark, England, Germany, the Netherland­s and the Shetland Islands. tusks, white scar on her right nostril, now arrived in Norway. waters of the small coastal town of Kragerø in mid-July 2022, where she became an instant celebrity. After spending a few days relaxing aboard the docked leisure vessels, Freya headed over to Oslo’s Frognerkil­en Bay.

Since her arrival, the mischievou­s animal has been seen chasing a duck and attacking a swan.

However, the hefty walrus spends most of her day resting on one of the many small boats docked at the bay. While not having access to their boats is frustratin­g for owners, even more so is the fact that the vessels often end up getting destroyed due to have tried to persuade Freya to rest on a custom wooden dock they built. But the walrus seems to prefer private vessels.

Local animal experts initially considered attempting to move Freya safely back to her home in the Arctic Circle. However, after seeing how well she is doing, they have decided to leave the walrus alone.

“She is doing well, feeding, resting and seems to be in good condition,” Norway’s Directorat­e of Fisheries said on July 25, 2022.

But they are also warning the crowds of people rushing to catch a glimpse of Freya to do so from a distance — both for the sake of the animal’s wellbeing and their own safety. normally a danger to humans as long as you keep a safe distance.

But if it is disturbed by humans and doesn’t get the rest it needs, it may feel threatened and attack.”

 ?? ?? Freya resting on a Royal Netherland­s Navy submarine
Freya resting on a Royal Netherland­s Navy submarine

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