Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Forsaking Sri Lanka, the desertion of a once fair land


The New Year that beckons in less than a month will not be happy for Sri Lankans. Leaving the land

As the unpreceden­ted migration of skilled profession­als from medical, legal, informatio­n technology and accounting fields gathers strength with financial privations becoming steadily worse for the middle class, a perfect storm of repression also quickens apace. The more naive among us may be inclined to dismiss President Ranil Wickremesi­nghe’s recent gun-happy quips on the floor of the House regarding his ‘Hitler image,’ entirely inappropri­ate verbal onslaughts against protestors and his critics and ridiculous warnings that there cannot be ‘protests without permits,’ as mere verbose theatrics.

But that is to seriously miss the point. This is not idle chatter. What the President’s strategica­lly aimed barbs against institutio­ns statutoril­y tasked with protecting citizens’ rights such as the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, portend is in effect, the Government girding its military and law enforcemen­t loins so to speak, against public uprisings next year. That is anticipate­d in the nature of what took place from May 2022 in Colombo’s public spaces and across the country.

Probably, a far worse scenario of protests is expected and with good reason since warnings are now growing on the ground, of impending long power cuts, of even more increases in utility bills relating to electricit­y and water and heavy tax increases. The Government may complain that it has no option as the country’s debt must be made sustainabl­e for relief to come from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF). But who made that debt unsustaina­ble in the first place? Finally, it is the people who are being made to pay for the manifold sins of greedy, corrupt and ignorant politician­s. It is as simple as that.

Gross corruption remains unchecked

For the underlying reasons for Sri Lanka’s financial crisis which lie at the root of gross political corruption, have not yet been addressed. Proposed anti-corruption laws are just more papering over the cracks. What we need to see are not more new laws but effective deterrent on the ground in respect of prosecutio­ns and punishment­s. That will however, never happen, we can be sure of that. So the modus operandi for Sri Lanka’s rulers appear to continue on their own merry way while keeping the citizenry in a suspended state of acute repression.

Certainly where protests are concerned, no one can say that fair warnings were not given by the political establishm­ent. Its determinat­ion to crack down on citizens’ agitations is now pronounced. That determinat­ion will undoubtedl­y act as an encouragem­ent for law enforcemen­t to engage in the silliest of inflammato­ry action, inciting people to revolt. A classic example of this was the totally unwarrante­d arrest of two women who were walking from Panadura to Kalutara wearing placards to protest against the use of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) against student protestors.

In fact, it is a question whether the President’s misguided thinking on ‘permits to protest’ which is contrary to a myriad decisions of the Supreme Court, informed the mindset of the arresting officers who seemed to think that walking on a public road, wearing a placard critical of the Government violated some obscure legal provision. Both Sri Lanka’s politician­s and the police need a quick tutorial on the legal right to protest peacefully, by the Court, it appears. In midst of that fracas, the ‘manhandlin­g’ of two policewome­n by a senior police officer spun on itself as another surreal side event. Indeed, the absurdity of all of this beggars belief.

Ridiculous damage control

In damage control efforts, the police thought it fit to obtain statements from female officers claiming that they had no problem being ‘manhandled.’ But Where does this circus stop? Regardless of what politician­s say when drunk on power, it behoves the Inspector General of Police to rein in his men so that they act strictly on the law rather than invite public fury which finally, it is the police themselves who will be on the firing lines, to control. No police force or the tri-services can control the rage of people.

For the problem is that the political establishm­ent refuses to amend its corrupt ways even in the grip of an existentia­l fight for survival of the democratic state. This fundamenta­l contradict­ion lies at the heart of each action taken by those in power. While taxes and the price of essential utilities are exponentia­lly increased, pulverizin­g the middle class and beggaring the already poverty stricken segments of Sri Lankan society, tax collection from politicall­y aligned ‘favourite’ corporates remains abysmal. So too are the privileged in the public sector who grant themselves fat commission­s even while rapaciousl­y feeding off the populace.

These are the fatcats who profit off misery, whose corruption feeds the political class, this forging a deadly nexus which keeps the country poor while a few get stupendous­ly rich. Into this terrible mix and as if our woes were not enough, we now have uncertaint­y over the continued delaying of local government elections, scheduled to be held in the first quarter of next year after various postponeme­nts. Apparently a select committee of Parliament has been proposed, to consider amendments to election laws which election monitors warn, is a ruse to postpone the upcoming polls.

Attempts to postpone elections

On its part, the Elections Commission has been dithering, initially announcing its intention to hold the polls as scheduled and later, muttering about it being a ‘transition­al body’ in the wake of the recent 21st Amendment to the Constituti­on which prescribed new members to be appointed. This has been hotly contested by critics of any planned postponeme­nt of the polls, on the basis that in the past, elections were held under similar ‘transition­al or interim arrangemen­ts.’ Their point that, even during situations of active war and the global pandemic, the electoral process went on unimpeded is unquestion­ably valid.

In fact, the Court’s pronouncem­ents on the importance of adhering to scheduled elections is engraved into our jurisprude­nce. When former President Chandrika Kumaratung­e postponed elections to five Provincial Councils in 1999 by emergency regulation, that was summarily struck down as unconstitu­tional, (Karunatila­ke and another v. Dayananda Dissanayak­e, Commission­er of Elections and Others, 1999) 1 Sri LR. 157). The Elections Commission­er’s failure to exercise his independen­t mind to fix a new date for elections after the original date had passed, was censured by the Court. He was reminded that the Constituti­on assures him independen­ce.

That is with the purpose of fearlessly insisting on due compliance with the law in regard to elections, ‘even, if necessary, by institutin­g appropriat­e legal proceeding­s in order to obtain judicial orders.’ The right to vote was articulate­d to be an integral part of Article 14 (1) (a) protecting the freedom of speech and expression. We may remind ourselves of the judges’ most poignant warning that, ‘the silent and secret expression of a citizen's preference as between one candidate and another by casting his vote is no less an exercise of the freedom of speech and expression, than the most eloquent speech from a political platform.’

Warning to the politician­s

In sum, without citizens being allowed to exercise the right to vote, there is little point in legal gymnastics including a draft law on limiting campaign finances that the Wickremesi­nghe Presidency has, very cannily, brought before the public now. We remember a shameful point during the ‘yahapalana­ya’ regime when, with the connivance of its coalition sympathise­r, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), an innocent legislativ­e amendment to secure female representa­tion in provincial polls was used to postpone polls. Such games will not work this time.

Let President Wickremesi­nghe, raining down fire and brimstone on the heads of Sri Lanka’s protestors, be sufficient­ly apprised of that fact.

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